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Worst traits in a partner or friend?
Good! Reasonable answers. Too clingy/suspicious/possessive is definitely a bad thing...

Almost all have been discussed, but to add more:

For Friends - Doesnt know his limitations, Takes advantage of what you have, 2 Faced, Unsupportive.

And for partners - Cheater and no spark in BED. Sorry but thats so true.

I agree with what's already been stated. Here's my list. I feel like I am really picky but character is a big deal for me and it takes a lot of observation before I trust someone.

1. Lack of compassion, empathy, and kindness
2. Lack of self-awareness, no desire to grow
3. Abusive (verbal, mental, physical); mind-games, manipulative
4. Lack of ethics (personal and professional)
5. Ageism, sexism, racism, bigotry, negativity, talking down to people and kids, disrespecting nature, especially animals
6. Lack of a sense of humor
7. Make everything a competition
8. Lack a sense of personal space (clingy, call/text too much), too touchy-feely
9. Dishonesty

In addition for relationships,
10. Not understanding solitude
11. Infidelity
12. Passivity; lazy lover
13. Controlling
14. Unhealthy living/choices. ( No drug, alcohol abuse, etc) If you don't value your life, doubt you will value mine.



One that may make me seem like a prick. But I love having people around me most of the time. But sometimes I like alone time to work shit out. So what i'm getting at is when friends don't no when to back off and give me space. They press and want to talk about it.

Space, dude, Space,


Ive got a friend who is VERY one sided about everything.....we HAVE to do everything HE wants to do, but we can NEVER do anything I want to do, because he "isnt into that" or "doesnt like that" or some other excuse.

He had a psycho episode last summer and we stopped talking until recently. He's gonna learn to give and take or its just over with.

Heres my list for anybody who wants to hang around me for any reason--

Liars - cant abide liars. If you cannot tell the truth, then you dont need to be around me.

People who ask you a question then walk off or ignore your answer. I DESPISE this.

Cheaters - dont tell me you like/love me then go F**K somebody else!

Bad drivers - if you dont give a damn about your life or mine, then you dont need to be anywhere near me.

People who WORK HARD at being morons, idiots, and as stupid as possible.

Lazy pieces of crap. They expect YOU to do all of thier work for them.

Abusers - drugs, mental, physical, animals.....dont even come within 50 feet of me.

The Unclean - if you dont know what soap, water, toothpaste, and a washing machine is for...stay home.

The TOO clean - mainly those who spray the whole damned bottle of cologne or perfume on them....some of us are allergic to that crap. And it peels the wallpaper when you pass by, not to mention pollutes the air.
ONE squirt does it just right.

The Needy - also known as the "Me, myself, and I" generation. Every sentence spoken is about THEIR wants and needs.

No manners - dont even bother coming out of your house.

No common sense - just stay away from me.

Cant see others views or opinions - bigoted, prejudiced, ingnorant.

Touchy - EVERYTHING "sets them off". Doenst matter what you say or talk about, they have a HUGE issue with it.

People who talk during movies or bring screaming brats to movies. Wheres my taser?

Guys who expect sex on the first "date". Yeah.....they have hookers for that, and Im not one of them.

Space hogs - they gotta be "touchy feely" and next to you all day long, or hanging off you all day long.....
dont think so. Dont mind a hug now and then, but Im happy just being in the same room as you...dont need you
all over me all day long. Thats what cats are for.

Damn......Im gonna be here all night!!!!!
Well, I think thats Volume 1 anyway. LOL

I had one basic complaint with Tom for 30 years. Tom, that handle on the toilet will flush the toilet. Why don't you try using it, you fucking slob.

I have requested the Congressional Medal of Honor for sharing a bathroom with a guy I was madly in love with. Useless bastards in Washington will ignore my request just to prove they are homophobic against Tom and I.

Does anybody know any spells or incantations I can use on a guy who thinks everyone wants to see his shit floating in a toilet. Hey, Tom, they invented the phrase anal retentive to explain arrogant bastards like you. Tom smiled sweetly at everyone and was impeccably groomed. I wish people saw what I saw after he left the bathroom. YOU MISERABLE PIG BASTARD. Someday I will get even.

If Tom and I spend eternity in heaven, maybe I could train him in 5000 years. Won't hold my breath.Oink

I don't really care about anything much, just good sex and hygiene. lol

Insincere, liar, unreliable. The rest match up with yours, so you can't be that weird :-)

SolemnBoy Wrote:Lots of people have told me that the traits I want to find/avoid in friends and potential partners are pretty different from their own. So I'm kind of curious, what are the traits that you'd be absolutely unable to stand in a friend or lover? Other than some extremely obvious ones I've come up with 4 for myself.

Arrogance: this is way worse than stupidity. If a person is intelligent and arrogant it ultimately doesn't matter since he won't be able to convey his knowledge without being despised for the superior tone. Incredibly annoying.

Narrow-mindedness: Nope, can't stand this either. Even in the most controversial topics I think the ability to remain open to suggestions is vital. Anything else would probably irritate me. Racism is of course out of the question.

Inability to take responsibility: I can forgive most acts if the person behind them just confesses and takes proper responsibility.

Inability to discuss things: This is the one most people seem guilty of. Everyone has flaws, but really? Adults who can't even talk about things calmly annoy me. Whether it be an unfaithful partner or a friend who's done something seemingly unforgivable, if he/she can't talk to me about it without letting emotions get in the way it's definitely unforgivable.

What about you other people? Note: I'm a person who can't stay mad at anyone for more than a few hours and who tries hard not to let emotions get in the way of rationality. A combination of all these traits however, would probably make me snap and go on a rampage O_O

That is a very astute analysis for someone your age, young man... but I think the last point is something that really takes time to master (being able to talk). People can talk about lots of things, but talking about them rationally, seriously and calmly and not judgingly is difficult and takes a lot of patience and, I guess, trust that the other person can be reasonable too and can ultimately understand. This is an art that a good many adults don't have, even when talking to their kids.



Considering I have been in pretty bad relationships where abuse took place (emotional/mental/physical) I would have to say I'm a pretty forgiving fellow and allow lots of seemingly 'bad' behaviors to take place.

I did break up with guys when it got physical, and the last I broke up with simply because out of the 14 years we were together I discovered he was banging away with anything with pants on for the last 12 years.

And he is still my roommate... So I guess I'm still pretty forgiving.

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