and you're supposed to express a need of yours now!
A need?
Oh, sex 'll do just fine thanks
now, that's better
go whoring arround, search for male prostitutes and don't use condoms :eek:
I like eating fish but I don't like all the Mercury that comes with it :frown:
You have the need to get rid of the SA nukes you've been hiding since 1994..:biggrin:
in all seriousness...detonate they're gone...
I need sex too duckie..:frown:
I'll donate one of them to you, It's called fat boy, he's really sexy, goes off like a big cracker :biggrin:
Oh I gotta go to the corner store
It's an illegal shop in a gararge run by the illegal Nigerians our country loves to allow to work and live here
Oh, I get you duckie, my country has the same dealings with Peruvians..curiously enough they hate us to no end and yell to the four winds how much of a shitty country we are...and then come here looking for jobs..jeez..
legal foreginers, I have no problem with, regardless of what country do they come from, but in the last years the capital, most specially, has been filling with illegal Peruvians, and the government doesn't say a thing cause we're on "trying to be friendly to Peru" mode..and they keep accusing us of having an arms race or something...?????, Really...130 years since the last war, no war occured even during the military dictatorships we all had back then, why would anyone start a war now? Nonsense..
Anyway, go to the store kill then and take over the black'll be filthy
I need to be more tolerant to frustration
When frustration strikes count from 1 to 10 backwards
I'm in bed washing 2 pairs of socks in my 1 dollar washing machine, posting on GS and watching crap on telly..
...sounds like a perfect day....
you should spice things up with a good old murdering rampage...
I need to lay off the aggresiveness in my head..