sleep in the dirty half in a dirty sleeping bag and dream of cleaning.
my cd keeps jumping
You luck sod!
Video tape it,
Send it to riply's,
The first jumping cd in the world
Ya gonna be rich beyond your wildest dreams.....
I'm building a trailer camper, to go touring with during my December holiday's because my bush trailer's too cumbersom to schlep over mountain passes that have very bad roads :biggrin:
only put 3 wheels on it,, all of a different size
my athlete foot itches
Cut of your foot.
I want to go to a bar tonight, but I don't have a driver's licenses and no nearby friends to take me out clubbing...
grab a gun and go out...that will get you cars and booz for free....once you've had your fun visit the behind bars after party..
My head started to hurt in 3 different places
^^^ Um, hello - thinking with the little head tonight? What about Southbiochem - Totally ignored him and he posted 29 minutes BEFORE you did - so no excuse on being N'jiad.
I'm missing the colors of Autumn we had back east...
California has two seasons Hot and Dry and Warm and Wet - Well this part of California. We fail to get those brilliant colors that the Eastern USA gets. Trust me its fall here - I have been doing my daily rakey, rakey with the M***F*** G*d D**** rake every day... Its just dull brown leaves not the brilliant reds, oranges, yellows
It is currently 8:43, which is the correct time, Check Big Ben the next time your out walking around. South Africa is close to London, right?
Speaking of Clocks, the Granfather Clock at my boss's house has gained three minutes in the past 5 months - how to I reset that clock? If it helps, I wind the thing every week.