You work in a laboratory, surely you have sufficient liquid nitrogen around the lab to at least soak your feet in to cool off, if not take a whole bath....
So I gots about 4 hours sleep, feeling crappy but am up to go about my day - how do I get that 'well slept' freshness?
Granted but you should of sewn that hole in your pocket... you can scream now :p
I wish i could just slow down
Granted, I cover you in thick molasses - things get a little sticky, sure, but it slows you down.
---> Pause here to take time envisioning Partis covered in molasses - without clothing of course.....
Ok - I wish I could really see Partis covered in molasses.
Its me, in your closet.... watching you...... as I hum......
I still want to see partis covered in molasses - hell I would accept just regular old corn syrup at this point.:tongue:
sure, go to Kent, England, UK...locate him, kidnap him, bring him back to the US, strip him naked (yay) and cover him in melaza or whatever..and then enjoy your good day before the Interpol comes get you..
I need a good sleep inducer and the most readily available thing (and free) is the crazy amounts of chamomile growing EVRYWHERE in my area.......I, however, never have nor the time nor the energy when I do have time to get up and go pick some..
With your ongoing Elvish delusions you can't tell me you won't try to go to Mars thinking you can breathe in space?
Oh, well, ask for the next mission to Mars to go and get it here for you..
good luck staying alive till that happens :eek:
I have to start taking care of my mental health...I'm getting a bit unstable lately
Yur instability has nothing to do with your mental health....
It has everything to do with that secrete distillary you got hidden under your bed:biggrin:
Oh I got to give you bad advice...
Throw a bunch of alcan foil into a drum of hydrocloric acid, close the drum up tight, and sit down on it
Perhaps you will find Bow's Lizzardy thing on Mars for him :biggrin:
I'm going to sleep, I'm tired.