The only reason I feel like it's time is that my friends are constantly nagging on me to "get out there" and although It's really nice of them to be setting me up with random girls it usually doesnt workout because I end up friend zoning myself... and although I may be gay it still hurts to be friend zoned xD
Figure it this way, what business is it of anyone? Do you also annouce that you wear boxers instead of briefs, or Coke instead of Pepsi, or anything else? Use reason, don't volunteer anything but if someone asks, you do not have to lie.
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Threads: 20
Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
^ great advice def!
there's a time and place for everything. you'll know when it's time and not because someone else said so
well imma wait to i get a boy friend first and then I'm just gonna be really blunt about it and tell my best friend first and be like "hey... I have a boyfriend". In an ideal world I would come out at Prom by basically bringing my BF but the world never works in my favor :l. The dating game isn't very fun wish this crap was more simple lol, first "date" was a ship wreck...
Baka, that can be a great way to come out. I did that when I had my first bf. I told friends, "Hey, I'm in a new relationship." They would respond with how great that was or how happy they were for me. Then I'd say, "I have a boyfriend," or "His name is J----. " That way I got my friends to feel happy for me first, and you know what? They all stayed happy.
Now stop beating yourself up about that first date! Maybe we need to start a poll asking how many people's first dates went well when they were teenagers... I have a wreck or two at the bottom of my dating sea.
Lol nice analogy. I'm not and i'm moving on I actually have new problems... (made a post for it)
I have found that if you don't fully believe you're ready and your debating even in the slightest you obviously aren't prepared. But if the time comes when your alone with someone and your there in the moment and you think its the perfect time to come out- do so. It will probably get real emotional really fast but you'll get over it shortly and you'll probably have a giant case of the goosebumps for a couple weeks when around that person. All i advise is that the first person you tell is someone you trust no matter what. Sometimes you just got to have a little faith in your friends and they wont let you down. Don't make the terrible mistake of telling someone you don't fully trust. I think senior year is a great time to come out. You'll be graduating soon and i think it's a major feat to come out before you graduate. I didn't come out until 4 years after I graduated and I have yet to come out to my family.