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Marijuana. Legalize It?
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I'm a heavy drinker and I'm sure I'm more likely to kill myself and others before someone smoking pot is.

I am all for the legalization, regulation and taxation of all drugs. Yes this includes the hard core stuff like heroine and meth.


For one I know what its like to be an addict with a problem and terrified to seek help when I realized I needed help out of fear of being arrested.

Secondly, I know how much impure, cut and laced stuff is out there. A lot of drug related deaths are not simple drug use related, they are actually because a person got a hold of some 'bad shit' that ultimately killed them.

Thirdly, secrets make us sick(er). Half the problem with addiction is that the person is hiding it as much as possible because of fear of legal repercussions. If drugs were legal, I have a firm belief that many would be a bit more open about that use and people would be able to see a problem and tell that person 'Hey, maybe you have a little problem here.'

Fourth, The War on Drugs is big business. A lot of pockets get lined that maybe shouldn't be lined. The Judicial system makes huge amounts of money processing drug cases and spends a little less time on serious, real 'crimes' that really hurt people. The Prisons are full of drug related cases where maybe we should keep with just tucking violent, dangerous, harmful people away and not the 'self medicating' individual.

There are several more minor reasons.

In my humble opinion the War on Drugs is over.... We lost.

Yes we should definitely legalize pot and give it a go and figure out how to regulate that, supply it safely, tax it and all of that. Let pot be our 'gateway drug' toward reasonable, rational drug use.

Yes even the hard stuff is used by many more people in a 'safe and sane' way. We do hear about the hard core cases all the time. Its akin to talking about just the winos and not the many people who are able to drink sociably and maintain a functioning life.

While I wont and dont use it myself, I think it (and all other drugs) should be legal; under the following circumstances....

No taxpayer medical aid for people suffering from Drug abuse, or a limit to the extent (I.e. one trip to rehab). This would prevent leaches in the system.

Treat it the same way as alcohol (I.e. drunk in public charges, dwi charges) and if any crime is commited while under the influence, have an additional charge that will be a mandatory additional term in prison (I would like for prisons to be restructured too, but thats another thread)

Treat it just like tobacco and alcohol. Must have licenses to manufacture and distribute (prices set federally) which would improve production quality (prevent really nasty stuff from reaching the market... in theory. In actually it would just reduce it) and increase legitimacy of distribution. Have it taxed like any other interstate commodity. Then at the state level allow additional taxation, which will allow states to basically set their "friendliness" level towards each drug, but while being too unfriendly towards a particular drug, the state could and probably would lose revenue.

Use this revenue to offset the looming healthcare costs (which wont be leached by the abusers) and fund research into our more deadly killers; cancer, heart disease, etc.

Thats my plan, up for reevaluation under consideration of better approaches.

Buffylo approved Tongue

I don't use marjuana but I'm in favor of it's legalization, with a little control on it.
1- For medical use.
2- Scientifically marjuana is less dangerous than alcohol or cigarettes. But alcohol and cigarettes are a very huge legal business. Everywhere.
3- Seems that the cannabis plant has others useful eco-properties, but them may damage other industries business...

Buffylo Wrote:While I wont and dont use it myself, I think it (and all other drugs) should be legal; under the following circumstances....

No taxpayer medical aid for people suffering from Drug abuse, or a limit to the extent (I.e. one trip to rehab). This would prevent leaches in the system.

I see, so you are willing to throw people away.

Here in America we talk a great talk about a Government FOR the people, of the people by the people....

But we really fall short of meeting the needs of the people. Big time fall short.

Besides which, if the government is going to be taxing these problems, there is no reason why taxes from that can't be used for rehab and medical support.

Of course the politicians on the hill will use that money for all sorts of things and make a huge fuss at a seeming lack of money to take care of the people.

It is up to We the People to make those politicians do the right thing and help our needy, in whatever need they have.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I see, so you are willing to throw people away.

Here in America we talk a great talk about a Government FOR the people, of the people by the people....

But we really fall short of meeting the needs of the people. Big time fall short.

Besides which, if the government is going to be taxing these problems, there is no reason why taxes from that can't be used for rehab and medical support.

Of course the politicians on the hill will use that money for all sorts of things and make a huge fuss at a seeming lack of money to take care of the people.

It is up to We the People to make those politicians do the right thing and help our needy, in whatever need they have.

No. I willing to give them one chance (hence the rehab). But if we just tell them they can do whatever they want and big government will support them no matter how much they eff up, they will abuse it.

I would much rather spend the money helping those who are truely helpless than those sticken by their own hand.

If we sell it then tell them we will take care of all their problems, we are enabling them.

Look at it this way... if the government said we could kill ourselves and they would pay funeral costs, is thatt not a form of enablement?

Need is something not self inflicted. We dont pay unemployment to people who quit their jobs. So we dont need to pay medical expenses for people who abuse drugs. There is. A fine line between use and abuse. People know what the drugs do. If they choose to use them and it ends up messing them up, they made the bed, they lie in it. Unless some charitable person or organization comes along and helps.

Contrary to popular believe, government is not designed to be a charitable organization.

I understand where you're coming from bowyn and I respect your opinion. But personally I am not willing to mortgage our future on the mistakes people make in the present. If a few hundred thousand people die from drug abuse, is that not worth the cure for heart disease, or cancer, or Alzheimer's?

I know that sounds extremely callous and cold hearted, but its just my opinion and you know what they say about those....

Yes, please legalize it. The consequences have been overblown in past studies but shown to be pretty mild in more recent ones.

If you want to illegalize something because high doses of it can have bad effects on a human being, then please make sure obese people can't enter fast food restaurants or buy unhealthy food. Those are the double standards of people who oppose marijuana: "We will only allow people to kill themselves slowly in ways that have become socially acceptable!"

i do smoke from time to time, once in a month or even less. I never understod why is there so mych trouble and nrevious hiding the bag in pickets so no one will see it.

If it just for personal usage and people do it socialy at home - then thats fine.
I was in Lodnon for nyew yers eve and there were just numbers and numbers of people smoking cannabis! i have to admit it was driving my a bit nervious as i couldnt breathe sometimes

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