Maybe he's thinking the same thing and hoping that you will take the lead, you'll never know until you try.
By what you have described of his behavior and you want to kiss him - go for it, when the opportunity presents itself.
I figured this thread deserved an update...
Well, I came up with a cutesy way of asking him. He does indeed want to kiss me. I didn't do anything there (it was a pretty public location), but we're going out tonight, and if I can find the moment, I'm going for gold.
Kissing isn't a planned thing.
He has given the signals he want's to be closer.
Clearly he is more submissive and waiting for you to make the first move.
He might never initiate on his own. So take the lead and be the first to do it. You may find that his willingness to kiss and initiate kisses will take place once you signal obvious that kissing is on the table.
A kiss should take place when the mood strikes, and not be planned. Let it come naturally - they are better that way.
Basic body language : Always keeps a close distance, and as u said looking at your lips and eyes. also playing with his shirt/buttons or his hair while talking to you. a quick lick of his lips, even flashing eyebrows can indicate interest.
ACTUALLY, we were out last Friday night, and a few moments before MY planned kiss, we were walking back to my car in a dark parking lot, and he said to me "stop for a second", and then just turned and kissed me!
He beat me to it, haha. Once we were more "alone", I went in for a more extensive kiss, so hey, mission accomplished.