I think the bottom line here is that size is a factor, but that it should not be the DECIDING factor ...
I always mentally compare it to the size of a woman's breasts - how many straight men view the size of a woman's breasts as being THAT big a deal if they're completely honest ?
HORNY straight men might focus more on the size of a woman's breasts, or horny GAY men the size of a man's cock, but in the fullness of time it's just one of a HUGE number of things that will form the basis of a happy, or unhappy relationship. You could have a massive schlong, but be a total @rsehole - nobody's going to want to be with you. You could be a Eunuch with an amazing personality, and have people fawning all over you BEGGING to go out with you - it's all highly subjective ...
Sudanese has raised a very valid point, which is that even thought lads WITH bigger penises aren't technically better off, because quite often they are made to feel like that's all they are, whereas they obviously have as much to offer in terms of their personality, willingness to love and be loved and so on, as anybody else ...
So no JR1990, I don't think that having a 4 1/2 inch penis is going to cause people to laugh at you ... in fact I think the average white male has a penis around the five inch mark, so it's nothing to be ashamed of or feel bad about.
As Smurlos has said, anybody that fixates on the size of your knob at the exclusion of the greater you is a knob in themselves.

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!