May you have warm words on a cold evening,
a full moon on a dark night
and a nice road on the way home.
( old irish saying )
lovly marshalnder have a very nice time. i miss him on gayspeak but still my frind. they are lucky childin and grandchirldrin having him for dad grandad him is verry lovely.xxxxxxxxx
I hope he finds some or a whole family that can both give and receive loving support!
I wonder if he enjoyed today's little snowstorm? LOL
Hope he has a good time seeing his grandkids & with the family reunion in general!
Other than a bit of wind, good weather for him this weekend too
Nice that he's teaching in a school!
And deff cool that his son is now a Doctor
Smoke some weed. It's legal n.n
He's been out in the wilds and fortunately hasn't encountered a bear, but some snow apparently...