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I'm reading the Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. Very interesting book, and my first book by him not counting Good Omens. I'm considering picking up the Sandman, but that is ridiculously expensive.
Nightmare Movies by KimNewman, I really good and detailed book about the horror genre, highly recommended.
I'm reading the phone book. It gets a little slow during L through O, but it picks up again in P. Oh, and something very surprising happens in Q, but I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it yet.
Robocop the definitive history, I highly recommend this book to any Robocop fans.
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Recently finished Witch Wood, by John Buchan. I have to admit I struggled with parts of it, which were written in Old Scots. I was born and raised speaking the Doric dialect of North East Scotland so I recognised many of the words, and was able to extrapolate what was going on from that, but it interrupted the flow. Anyone reading this without any knowledge of the Scots dialect would have a nightmare I think :biggrin:
It was an interesting read though.
Here endeth my boring book review...
<<<<I'm just consciousness having a human experience>>>>
Re-reading the LoTR triology. I first read them as a kid, and sadly have forgotten most of what happened in the books (haven't watched the movies). It's quite refreshing reading them now, as an adult.
Reading a book about classic Star Wars comics.