If money was not an issue, I would say New York or London for right now.
Retirement? Salina Cruz, Mexico OR Panama City, Panama
I want to go to Australia one day . . . But not for living just to visit
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I'd like to move back to San Diego California.
The temperature there is always nice. Mid 70's is the norm & the humidity is always low. I remember going a whole year without putting the top up on my little convertible sports car when I was stationed at the Naval Base in Coronado.
Very nice place.
Paris, England Orrrrrr Australia <3
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
I wouldn't mind a few months of blue sky, Palm trees, warm sea breezes; ANYWHERE but here will do really!
Posts: 3,699
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Joined: Jun 2013
I'm a : Single Gay Man
To the moon as I hate earth atm
Somewhere coooooold. Norway, definetely. Far away from everyone I know.
But if I have to be more realistic and choose somewhere closer to home. Uruguay.
People are relaxed and friendly to no end. And they can go home for lunch. And their work policies are very people-oriented. I wouldn't have to work 12 hours a day and every other weekend like I do here.
Montevideo is also by far one the safest of South American capitals. Visited 3 times and I would love to live there
New york, London, Boston, or San Francisco. <3 I would love to live in any of those places!