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what do you think
This is definitely a topic that is open to debate and will never have a correct answer. It is open to one's own upbringing and opinion. Plus the fact that you cannot choose who you become attracted to. Furthermore, the variance of incest that can be discussed will have an equal range of stigma to it. Two cousins or brothers of similar age that are experimenting or masturbating together is completely different than a father/son or uncle/nephew relationship. The main thing is that if it is consensual, then it is their decision.

I personally have never partaken in incest, but the curiosity has crossed my mind.

I respect your opinion but to be fair the "pro" side has been discussing it with arguments for and against to reach their conclusion. All you've been doing is saying "it's disgusting" over and over again. I'm not speaking to persuade but if you want your opinion to be heard you need actual arguments Smile

Cuddles Wrote:Legalised?

Then we better go the whole hog and legalise Beastiality and Paedophilia to then.

At this point I know you're silly. Animals and children can't give legal consent or sign contracts of any kind which is based on limited (or complete lack of) culpability and understanding of their actions. But first cousins, for example, could be adult and enter into other kinds of contracts unlike with animals and children so I know you're not thinking rationally. It's also the exact same reasoning for why gays are supposed to be disgusting, too, if adult men can have sex with adult men then might as well let men have sex with horses and children, too. That's just foolish.

Bestiality can never be legalized because animals can't give consent. Paedophilia is more debatable but my own opinion is that children can't give "proper" consent either. Siblings who are over 18 can give consent.

Anything COULD be debated as okay. Genocide CAN be debated as okay. Burning homosexuals alive CAN be debated as okay. Debates exist for people of different opinions to find new ways of tackling a subject and hopefully reaching a conclusion. ANYTHING can be the subject of debate - at least in openminded circles.

"Genocide should be okay because we don't need physically or mentally unfit people in our society."

Argument for selective genocide^

"Everyone can contribute somehow and all humans are equal. Therefore we should not dictate who has the right to live and who doesn't.

^ Argument AGAINST selective genocide.

As far as I'm concerned anyone who supports genocide is raving mad. That doesn't mean it CANNOT be debated.

Pedophilia is absolutely disgusting and, in my opinion, people who commit it should be destroyed since they are taking advantage of children who don't understand what's happening to them and can't possibly consent to it...but this discussion isn't really going anywhere now LoL
I don't think the way to enter a discussion/debate is with pure unbridled emotions, unless you can back it up with viable logical information or well thought out ideas. Just my opinion...

Cuddles Wrote:Legalised?

Then we better go the whole hog and legalise Beastiality and Paedophilia to then.

You do realise you sound like those bigotted idots of the 1970's who wanted to keep homosexuality listed as a disease and the practice as illegal?

There is no rational reason to deny any consenting adult the right to a relationship, there are only emotional reasons.

Comparing it to beastiality and paedophilia is what is truely disgusting, only a twisted and distorted mind could come to a conclusion that all 3 are one and the same and makes you a true bigot.

Pigs and children CANNOT consent and harm is caused.
Adults can consent, and when they do they should have the same rights as everyone else.

Cuddles Wrote:No I don't need to put forward ANY argument.

It is just as disgusting as Paedophilia.

There is nothing to discuss.

I find it rather amusing that history shows that those that are the harshed apponents usually have the most to hide.

lets use all those preacher men who have demonized homosexuals and been caught sucking dick as a small example.


dfiant, how about marrying me? I'll pay for the wedding expenses.

Also, please don't use the "if you support incest you must have some things to hide" argument. I think we're all above that.

Cuddles Wrote:Personal attack?

Maybe you are the one with something to hide, and not me?

Personal attack? I don't see how a rational mind could see that as a personal attack, I didn't mention you at all. I mentioned homosexual priest who were staunch opponents of homosexuality to compare the strongest opponents of incest. I used your rant as an example, but in no way did I criticise you personally.

While we are talking about personal attacks when you mention a person specifically (As in 'YOU'), then it is a personal attack, but really even though you think I should have something to hide because I am raving like an irrational banshee spruiking my bigotry, I honestly am not bothered by a single thought or opinion that enters your minds and exits through your keyboard Wink

I have zero time and tolerance for bigotry and bigots.

have a nice day Smile

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