^is a sweetie pie that just needs some cuddlin
^^^ Just down right amazeaballs^^^^^
very positive and cheerful
Someone you can rely on through thick and thin... That guy is a keeper
I wish I was as reliable as you deem me to be......
you, on the other hand...you are so worthy of having someone who will devote himself to you....this guy is near pefection
No one will ever date me cause im closeted... :/
I get flighty exciting feeling when he comes too sweet to me.. :o
Absolutely sweet and caring.
@Evan88: I like giving credit to where it's due Evan..It's not just flirting, It's the truth
you are strikingly beautiful, remarkably kind, very responsible, down to earth and so very sweet...
@Rainbowmum/GS Empress: very smart, centered, kind woman, and wise to the most
Ugh....Slap me. Im completely twitterpated right now....
Back to you, you are very handsome, kind to the most kind, sincere, hard working, funny, you must be the perfect guy for someone... And yeah it's all truth
if anyone, anyone dares to hurt, ill-speak of or even ill-think of this guy that person will have to adress me and deal with me (and Elad and many other I bet)
world would be a wonderful peaceful place with more Evan's out there