Only yesterday I found a post in another user group from a guy who thought nothing of admitting to having sex with, and I quote, "13, 14 and 15 year-olds".
Suppose he subscribes to the theory that, "If there's grass on the pitch - play ball!"
partisan Wrote:I find lads, my, own, age, try to be, matey, our insecure, inexperienced, in, bed, i, usually, get, on, better, with, a, bit, above, my, age, range, i, can have, good, chat, with, a, 90yo, and, find, common, ground, (not, sexually) but, what, do, i, know, just, a, mtv, kid, with, no, origanal, thoughts, of, my, own,
partisan Wrote:Its, not, that, i, want, a, one-sided relationship, theres, talk, of, the adored, and, the, adorer, thats, not, nice, for either, party, to, love, is, just, if, more, important, than, to, be, loved,
In, life, i, can, hold, my, ground, on, any, topic, with, most, age, groups,
Condensending to, be, called, a, kid, esp, if, youve, had, a, difficult, life, i, believe, there, can, also, be, internal, ages, in, some, aspects, and, age, isnt, the, ultimate, denominator, of, wisdom,
What's with the commas? Some sort of kid speak - why back in my day we all were so poor we couldn't afford enough commas to make a decent sentence - and we walked 20 miles to school up hill BOTH ways... kids these days absolutely no respect.....
I never said you didn't have original thoughts, I did say you stole some of my generations music.
I didn't say kids can't be wise - I did say something about the failure to have a shared common frame of reference.
Where were you when the HIV/AIDS epidemic was burning through the community? What were you doing on the day the Berlin Wall Fell (you were age 5)? How many of your friends did you watch wither and die from AIDS while Reagan sat in the White House and never doing anything because it was the 'Gay Plague'?
There is a huge difference between reading about these things and living day to day through them. You do not share a common frame of reference with me on these matters, I was in my late teens and twenties and you were not even in kindergarten.
These sorts of things is what molded and made my generation what and who they are today. The things you experience during your ages also mold you and make you the people your generation is. A lot of things took place in those 17 years of life here on earth before you were born, things that 'programmed' me and my generation to act and behave to modern events in ways you cannot act and behave because you lack those experiences.
Condescending, well get used to it - and for the record in about 17 years you will be at the age where you will be throwing around the word yourself and some other young upstart will take great offense to it. Been there, did that oh about 17 years ago - you know when you were puking and mewling and pottying in your diaper in your crib.:tongue:
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:What's with the commas?
Shatner came out.
Forgive me, I couldn't resist.
Ok, first off, when the berlin wall came down i was doing lego ok
2nd - the commas - my space bar, refuses to, work, most, of, the, time, its, annoying, me, more, than, you
Third- i, take, on, board, most, of, your, comments, except, i, did! Have, to, walk, ten, miles, uphill, to, school, and, there, was, no, such, thing, as, mtv
4th- you, said, you, wouldnt, tell, anyone, i, wore, a, diaper, age, 12!
if i had refused to date my girlfriend based on the fact that she hasn't experienced the same things as me , then i'd probably be all on my own now ~
people can connect with others regardless of their ages / experiences / etc ~
although personally i wouldn't want to date someone much older or younger . but that's a personal preference . i've had wonderful friends who are quite a bit younger / older than me ~
I, understand, why, you, want, someone, in, your, age, brackets, of, course, you, live, through, the, same, experiences, and, understand, the, mood, of, your, time, intrinsicly, not, through, history, books, or, documentrys, maybe, you, should, of, said, i, want, someone, my, own, age, are, people, that, dont, sick, in, the, head
I dont know, about, reagen, and aids, i am naive, there (theres, just, so, much, damn, history, its, one, thing, after, another
After, saying, all, that, I, only, wish, the, best, bowyen Aerrow, I, think, you, deserve, and, jeez, there, must, be, that, guy, out, there, for, you, would, be, lucky, its the, whole, dating, thing, now, online, etc, you, may, have, already, spoken, to, him, but, it, was, all, lost, with, words, on, a, screen x
You aren't sick in the head for wanting a nice normal guy your age, you're just too damn picky.
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Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Yes baby, you are too young.
What's a matter Bowyn Aerrow? Afraid of Gezer Pleasers?