1.Small yippy dogs
2.When people tell me how great it is to go vegan
3.When people post how much a song or, band sucks on youtube
1. Mouth Breathers
2. Pretentiousness
3. Hipsters
4. Emos
5. People who chew with their mouth open
6. Cell phone slaves
7. People who don't watch where they are walking
8. People who think rap is superior to rock
9. Call of Duty fanboys/fangirls
10. Twilight fans
Posts: 2,797
Threads: 40
Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Continued traditions performed just out of expectation.
People who repeat what they say. Especially in reaction to repeats of a TV shows.
People who always laugh at the same points in a TV program, even if it was on just two days prior.
Drunk people.
Lack of commonly available space travel.
People who believe in karma.
People who tell me I make tea wrong.
Talking on a phone/not in person.(Though text is ok)
Hot weather(Anything over 22 degrees C)
Myself sometimes.
Everyone at least once in a while.
Holidays abroad.
Anything that tries to massage peoples national pride(Mine included).
Venting my feelings to feel better.
Lifts/Elevators.(Claustrophobic, eerie, and for me, largely pointless.)
People who insist on using a lift/elevator for only a few floors.
I like her...but people who think Lady GaGa is sooooooooooooo fucking inventive. Look at outlandish 70's glam rock please and shut the fuck up.
Okay, mine is a weird one. I hate when people pull up to a stop light beside you exactly even with your car! Doesn't EVERYONE know that you are supposed to stop so that you are positioned just ahead or just behind the driver next to you?! Otherwise it is like they are crawling into your lap, sticking their face directly in front of you and going, "HI! Whatcha doin?!"
Posts: 10,581
Threads: 20
Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
when people do stuff on your behalf BEFORE asking ur permission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another music one.....i'm music oriented. Anyway.....When I see a person with a t-shirt of a band. I say....so you're a fan of so and so. They go yea. I say this album's great isn't it. And it turns out they only know the hit or big album.....which more often then not is the shittiest album in whatever discography. Misleading prick. I can't tell you how it pisses me off, lol