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What is your relationship with your parents like?

would you share what your relationship with your parents is/was like?

Well first off I think you need to read something more thrilling. That doesnt sound exactly like a great page turner.

My relationship with my parents was an odd one for sure. My parents loved me and still do. I ask for something for Christmas or my Birthday and I got it. I was a very rebellious child at that. My parents told me to do something and I challenged their every move. I guess my parents knew it would be hard to raise two children, but didnt think about one of them being super smart. I always ended up correcting my parents on stuff and that alone would make them mad, but when it came to my grades my were very pleased.

I remember one time my mom was trying to punish me for something and they had a belt that they used to spank us with that was 2 inches wide. Well she went to get this belt and was going to spank me, so I decided to see how agile she was. (The way the furniture was positioned in the living room, there was only one way in and one way out, unless you jumped over the couch.) She came out of my parents bedroom heading right for me. I was standing in the middle of the living room smiling. When she came around into the middle of the living room, I jumped over the couch and was now standing in the dining room. When she moved around the couch toward me, I did it again. Laughing the entire time. After 20 mins of this charade, she gave up and told me to wait till my dad got home. So I went to my room and started playing a video game. When my dad came home, he came after me and I had already rearranged my room so my dresser was in front of my door. I never did get that spanking.

When I was nine, I decided that Church was pointless and a waste of my time. My mom went to wake me up for church and I told her that I wasent going. She was floored my this information. She told me to get my butt out of bed and to get into the shower because I was GOING to church. I told her NO and this is when the argument started. At the end of this argument, I came out victorious and she told me to just sit at home then. The three of them went off to church (My mom, dad and brother), and I sat at home playing video games. That is when I became Atheist.

When I was in High School I kept failing English class and my mom couldnt understand why. I tried to tell her for the longest time that they never taught me ENGLISH, it was all just history and religion. Finally my mom got furious with me for failing the class so much and told me that I have to bring my english book home everyday. I looked at her like she was nuts, yet also confused by why she wanted me to do this. So I did and every night I never touched the book. She would get mad at me and ask me why I wasent doing my home work and I told her that I refused to open a book that is going to force christian religion upon me in a suddle manner yet no where in the book is it going to teach me what a proverb or adjective is. She glared at me and in that moment I saw in her eyes she didnt believe me and thought my "Atheist" views were getting in the way. I then told her to read some sections out of the book, random sections, and then come back to me and let me know what she thinks. She agreed and two hours later when she re-entered my room, she threw the book on the floor and told me to do what I wanted. I laughed and asked her what was wrong and she told me that I was right and no where in the book were they teaching us english, it was all either history or christian religious view (and mind you my mom is still chirstian, but she accepts my religious perspective.)

.... Now I am just rambling. So I guess I will just get to my point. Everyone is going to be different and parent their children differently, but sometimes they let their personal emotions get in the way of how their child is going to act. They dont let it cross their minds that their child has their own points of view, no matter how old they are. They cant fathom some so obvious as their child speaking their mind on what they have an opinion on and just want to force their own points of view down their childrens throats. In the end they will still love their child no matter what.

My father left when i was 2, my mums first boyfriend was an alcoholic, he loved me but didn't like my older sister for some reason, when he left, I would go to see him on weekends, as well as seeing my real father on alternitive weekend, who had a gf who hated both me and my sister. My mums second husband and my stepdad still today is a complete and utter arsehole who was intimidating and bad tempered, and only never hit me coz he couldn't catch me. My dad is a very likeable decent man, just wish sometimes he didn't leave, though I could never imagine my mum and dad together, they are so different. I don't have this high respect that some people have for there parents though I love them dearly, I'm not very family orientated, and live away from them.

My relationship with my parents is rather decent, which is a good thing as I can't afford to find my own place at current. They both know I'm gay and don't particularly care (My father's reaction to my coming out was basically "Ok. That's nice".) We argue more about the little things, like how messy the house is, more then anything else.

Whoo boy.......

My father was physically abusive to me up until the time I turned ten when my parents divorced (he was physically abusive to my mother as well, breaking her fingers and hitting her in the stomach while she was pregnant with my brother) I still have a scar on my back from all the times he would hit me with the metal end of his belt when I was little....all for the "crime" of wanting to be out and talk to my grandmother when she came to visit. My grandmother was the only member of my family I felt close to and I miss her every day since she passed in 2007.

When my father found out I was gay, he told me in no uncertain terms that "I was dead to him" and that he hated me so much that "if he saw me on fire, he wouldn't so much as piss on me to put it out"

My mother and siblings aren't much better. My mother refuses to discuss any details of my personal life with me. She refuses to acknowledge I am gay and will go out of her way to be as rude to my boyfriends as possible. I still remember me and one of my boyfriends having to walk two miles to a gas station to use their restroom because my mother wouldn't allow him to come inside her home for five minutes to use our restroom.

My brother likes to call me a faggot every chance he gets, as well as saying things like he agrees with Westboro Baptist Church and that "Hitler should have finished the job on killing the fags" He won't even drink out the same glass I have used because "he doesn't want to get AIDS"

.....I don't get along with my family to say the least.

my dad was an evil psychotic crazy c*nt . although when i was a teenager he did develop quite a bit of genuine guilt about things ... i had a very strange relationship with him . i never hated him , although apparently i should have done .
my mom is a self absorbed pretentious psychobitch. although she's started to feel slightly bad about things and is attempting to make it up to me . although that's more to do with her wanting to feel like a good person rather than actual feelings of guilt.

my best friend's parents (who i lived with from the age of 12) are / were the most amazing people in the world and i love them ~

My relationship with my parents can pretty be summed up as us being pretty unwanted.
Both my parents are from fairly abusive households, and they swore they would never do the same. My mother was successful in not being abusive at the expense of becoming a pushover, which as I've grown older, I have begun to resent her for. My father would beat me for trivial reasons like being unable to sleep or not doing that days chores despite my doing a school project for nearly the whole day. The last time he hit me, he gave me a black eye and a mild concussion. I can't remember what led to that other than him yelling at me and backing me into a corner.
Now the physical abuse has vanished and has been replaced by a daily slaughter to my self-worth, reminding me constantly how I can't go to a real college because we're too poor and I'm too useless to get scholarships, or telling me I'm just like my brother who flunked out of college, is 100lbs heavier than me, and doesn't contribute anything to the house or society.
My mother just sits by idly while he does this, and then wonders why I suffer from so many mental and emotional issues and why I'm constantly leaving to spend weeks on end at friend's houses.
I've only come out to my mother as being bi and as being an Atheist, and on both things she is in denial, saying it's a phase despite my being this way for nearly 10 (atheist) to 6 (bi) years.

So, in short, I resent and border on hating my family, and look forward to the day I can finally leave and never look back. Until then, though, I'm stuck in this stupid house while I attempt to get a measly associates at a community college that I quite frankly find to be a terrible excuse for a school.

It makes me sick whenever I hear about the awful shit so many parents subject their kids to. And it makes me wonder what in the world I could have done to deserve the awesome, loving, accepting parents I have when so many of you didn't or don't.

Answer is, not a damn thing. It was luck. It's all just dumb, unfeeling luck. It makes me want to scream.

Miles Smile
perhaps because you don't carry that baggage with you, you are able to make lives of other people nice, naturally, without thinking about it.
I can see how my grandparents influenced my parents - they repeated their parents' mistakes. Hopefully I will be able to break the cycle.

Maybe it was luck. But now you can make "lucky" the people around you. Smile

i hope that i'll be the complete opposite of what my parents were like when my baby is born ~

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