Well you get a smelly, noisy beach full of drunken mammals:biggrin:
I insert 3 drunk testostorone overloaded Afrikaans local yokels and a broken skateboard:eek:
You get 4 chicha-loaded huasos slamming their lungs away singing obnoxious payas..
I insert a freshly synthezised antimicrobial, yet cytotoxic peptide
You get zapped with physodellic dreams the next 46 years.
I insert a world governed by only one government
(If I live for 46 more years that is)....
You get a thank you note from the newly established Nazi-like and yet Uber-Islamic single word government.
I insert a weeks worth of sad, anger and frustration
You get a the worlds hardest rubix cube (it doesnt work) :p
I insert my camera phone!
You get my phone bill.
I insert Buzz Lightyear,
You get a spanner
I insert an apple
You get a beautifull fair maiden... with stubble... eh?
I insert a chimney sweep boy