You get big where it don't count, and small where it does count from the steroids they feed to the cows mac uses for thier sies burgers
I put into the vending machine a barbeque built from wood
You get metal briquets back.
I insert a flat wheelbarrow tire.
you get a really good sit for watching an Artillery Barrage on your house derived from an international diplomatic crisis that started because some president's wheelbarrow got stolen and they found you to be the culprit....on the bright side, you get to keep the weelbarrow with a brand new tire free of charge....
I insert a very aggressive strain of Salmonella typhi
It is magically mixed with the rabies virus and you get back a Zombie Apocalypse!
(yes I know, I did say magically).
I insert a encyclopedia of scientific names.
you get an angry lot of illeterates who don't like to get headaches reading scientific with them whay you like...:biggrin:
I insert cadmium nitrate in more than trace amounts
You get a sea sponge cause i dont know what that is
I insert a politician
You get f**ed...and trust me not in the way you like it :biggrin:
I insert the recently murdered politicans head...(yeah, I did it)...
You get another politician... when a politician is murdered another immediately takes its place :p
I insert a tortoise
You get a shot goin on your direction for nonsensic non-existant items
I insert a horse with a broken leg