I know some English teachers who occasionally encounter text speak in student assignments these days. Luckily I haven't encountered that while grading undergraduate papers. I'll start to worry for the English language if I ever see it being used in a paper on Hamlet.
If we shorten words, doesnt it mean we know the full word to be able to it
Abbreviated speak was used during WWII, in fact because of a german soldier, using abbreviated words on a message, we uncoded one of there machine,
What im saying is txt speak saved the world (i am drunk)
I think a texty can be just as intimate as a letter, if you want it to be. I only really abbreviate one word and that is "about" or as i say "abt" does anyone know what "ftw" means?
It's not just texting.......which I do hate, it's typing and laziness in general. Have you read around the net? It's atrocious.
If someone writes a post that at first glance makes my eyes hurt. I pass it right by.
To be honest, if you don't like the way someone types that's fine. However let's not let our knowledge of the English language make us feel superior over those that use it incorrectly. Sure it's a nuisance, but unless you're going to teach them the right way then there's no need for complaining. If you don't like to communicate with someone in that way, then let it be known and move on. Shorthand texting is fine with me, illiterate garbage like "whts gng on tnite?" is silly and lazy to an extent, but at the end of the day it's how some people communicate through text, I'll have no part of that, but so be it. I tend to use "LOL/OMG/WTF/BRB/" and other variations of abbreviations as well because i'd rather my texts be shortened than huge long thought out philosophical conversations. That's what a face to face/Phone call is for. In which you can still pick up on at least verbal cues.