05-08-2013, 05:42 PM
"Why have some of the nation's most vehement anti-gay activists—Ted Haggard, Larry Craig—had gay sex scandals of their own? An op-ed in the New York Times' Sunday Review section tries to explain. The authors of the piece, two research psychologists, say they have "empirical evidence that homophobia can result, at least in part, from the suppression of same-sex desire." Their argument—summed up in the Times headline as "Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay"—promises to resolve a long-running debate in the field."*
According to a study, some who described themselves as "anti-gay" and "highly straight" may actually be repressed and gay themselves.
According to a study, some who described themselves as "anti-gay" and "highly straight" may actually be repressed and gay themselves.