I would most likely jump that man's bones and plant him a good one! And then depending on how he feels, I'd take him to the beach, we roll up our pant-legs and take a slow walk, hand in hand along the shoreline and find a good spot to sit and watch the clouds and listen to the waves ebb and flow, while I rested against him or him against me(whichever comforts him/you) and just say nothing.
And after a few minutes, just hug him and show him how much I've missed him (not sexually, unless he wants it...which he probably would...oh wait, I don't have a bf, this is hypothetical...anyway

) and if he's ready to open up, then I'll listen. I'll listen and take away whatever pain he may have mentally and unburden his mind and soul and we'll then go home and sit on the couch and watch Animal Planet or Golden Girls(okay, the last one would be my idea lol) and just relax.
Maybe read a book and listen to some good ol' Bach or Beethoven.
And then when it's time for bed, we'll just cuddle, as to get reaquainted with one another and then fall asleep. And when we wake up, we'll wake up as if the world hadn't stopped or faltered while he was away, even if it may have, because he wouldn't want to come back to a whole new life, if he fell in love with his old one...with me <3 , but would rather move forward with me and not play catchup.
And that'd be what I'd do or try to do. As over romanticized as that may seem

. I'm a hopeless romantic, what can I say