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Feminism and hatred towards feminism
I shall never give up!

Let me tell you two little true stories from my life..........

1. When I was in 5th grade, we lived in this quiet apartment complex.
On Sunday mornings I always woke up early and went for a walk around the complex, because it was so very quiet and still.
Once Sunday morning I see this woman under the hood of her car. I go over and say HI to her, and then I ask what she was doing. She said she was checking the fluids and filters on the car. I asked if she had a husband and if so, why he wasnt doing that?
This nice lady told me her husband could barely put gas in the car, much less change a tire or check anything on it. I asked her what he did. She said he cooked, cleaned, and did the laundry.
She talked about that for a while, how he was super sweet and didnt mind doing household chores and she didnt mind having to learn how to work on the car.
I told her that was awesome and went on my way for my walk.

2. Just graduated high school. Got a job as a security alarm mechanic trainee.
One day after our rounds, everybody was in the breakroom talking. One of the alarm mechanics was an extremely short, petite "barbie" type girl. She said she wanted to be a police officer and had just joined the police training dept.
I asked her, in all seriousness, how she would handle that, because her gun would be bigger than she is.
Now keep in mind, she was about 5 feet tall (if that) and about 90 pounds dripping wet. I was 6 foot 4 inches tall and about 160 pounds.
She walked over to me, picked me up, threw me over her shoulders and carried me across the breakroom to the sink counter and put me down on it.

What did I learn from this?

Dont underestimate women.....they have hidden abilities, far beyond those of mortal men.

All the "barefoot, pregnant, and belongs in the kitchen" bullcrap I was brought up with is just that.

Women are only human beings with the opposite genitalia...THATS ALL.

So, I have learned to look at women as people. Or as one of my past roomies called them "females".
Because thats all it really is....men are males, women are females and thats all there is to it.

Ive met women who are faster, stronger, and smarter than most men Ive met in my life. I met one woman who had 5 PHD's and learning 5 more.

Women have ruled countries for thousands of years.

A woman can give life to a human, and if you piss her off, she can certainly take it back.


There you have it.

^^Typical Leo... so headstrong, Stubborn and assertive... so long as no more irrational arguements ensue, then I see no dilemma...however, beware, Partisan is a Libra as well, and while Leos are competitive, compulsive, Resilient and Stubborn, Libras are the ones to calm things the fuck down and enable balance...so Wink .

Ps. Libras Rulez

QueenOdi Wrote:^^Typical Leo... so headstrong, Stubborn and assertive... so long as no more irrational arguements ensue, then I see no dilemma...however, beware, Partisan is a Libra as well, and while Leos are competitive, compulsive, Resilient and Stubborn, Libras are the ones to calm things the fuck down and enable balance...so Wink .

Ps. Libras Rulez


PIECES RULE, my little toad lover!!

Oh Tinks, gurl Bite my Clit and give it a twist and untangle your floppy Tits...

Pieces are emotional, however spiritual, needy and often times then not irrational due to their heightened emotions. Libras represent Balance, Rationalism, Neutrality, Insight, Wisdom. Our sign was made to balance all the others, so therefore we own bitches like COD headshot newbs Wink lol

Your signs revolve around mine. So there.

MisterTinkles Wrote:Women are only human beings with the opposite genitalia...THATS ALL.

So, I have learned to look at women as people. Or as one of my past roomies called them "females".
Because thats all it really is....men are males, women are females and thats all there is to it.

Ive met women who are faster, stronger, and smarter than most men Ive met in my life. I met one woman who had 5 PHD's and learning 5 more.

Women have ruled countries for thousands of years.

A woman can give life to a human, and if you piss her off, she can certainly take it back.


There you have it.

Your writing caught my attention and I really like your writing, what else can I say. Excellent Smile

I think I get your point. The group of people who are raped most often by numbers are men in prison. I dare anyone to watch news and find that out. We have something incredible like 10 million men behind bars. Car thieves get the worse punishments averaging 7 years behind bars. The cop who murdered a friend of mine, Harvey Milk, the first openly gay official elected in San Francisco. He said he was on a sugar high from eating too many Twinkies. He was found NOT GUILTY. We have an open society and killing gays.

Women claim to be the most oppressed but they control trillions of dollars more than men in the stock market. In 1932, men and women died at the same age. Women now live 8 years longer, Feminists rule the airwaves. Say anything bad and your company gets a boycott. I am 67 and still walk tall and erect. I don't like being molested by anyone. I wish I had a dollar for every time some girl grabbed my balls. Recently I had a laugh. A friend the same age as me reminded me who I looked like in the fifties and early sixties. "John, I asked everyone. From the 5th grade to the end of high school you looked like Justin Bieber." "So that's why so many girls grabbed my balls. Thanks for telling me."

As a cute boy and a good looking man I was always being molested by girls.or women. When I complained they loudly called me a faggot. I was supposed to like being grabbed by women. I do not. AS a man, my opinion counts for shit in America. Women control the market place.

In the fifties and sixties, my dad and I picked the family car. Today, showroom salesmen ignore men and smile at women. The Japanese invented fuzzy thinking and redesigned the interiors to suit women buyers. Like most men my age, I got hardons as a boy looking at Thunderbirds, Corvettes, the 1954 DeSoto was a wet dream come true, so was the 1957 Chevy, the 1949 Mercury. The first car I bought was a 1960 Rambler, the seat made a bed. WOW. Great things happened in that car when the seats were turned into a bed. Today every car looks Japanese and no one can tell the difference.

In the last election we were told we could vote for the white sex appeal of Romney or the black sex appeal of Obama. I would have preferred someone who seemed like a leader like Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson or Nixon. They had balls and got the American economy going. We now are offered pretty boys who promise security to women. Have to say this. I was an expert marksmen in the Marine Corps and I can still shoot your head off. Lucky me. I never killed anyone and thank God for that. There is no such thing as security. We exist when we form a community. Men have to love men to make a community. Try to form a community, you are branded as a faggot. only women can lead communities, that is what Hilary Clinton says.

The old women in my building took one look at that 20 year old that killed 28 people and they said his bangs of hair proved he was gay. Obama said he was pure evil. The kid was 20, had no social skills, no job, no money and was autistic. His father and brother abandoned him and moved to Hoboken NJ. Mom informed Adam Lanza that she was tired of his annoying behavior and she was moving away. Nice mom left a 20 year old with no future in a house filled with high powered rifles. The women in town demand that there must be a cop in every classroom. How come no one thought of hiring a tutor for this kid. He was diagnosed at 10 as autistic. Women want security in classrooms. I want teachers, and coaches and counselors hired. Women say I am old fashioned. Funny. I can still shoot a cigarette from your mouth. I don't need security, I would like kids educated. That can't happen. Both parents work and teachers don't teach. Women who control the teacher's union say it is unfair to demand that teachers know how to spell or do arithmetic.

Isn't feminism grand. Women have balls and men wear aprons. Pretty soon men will have babies. Women will insist they have the right to rape men so they can cuddle a baby.

I must shut up. I find it very hard these days to listen to women claim to be victims. They control the vote. They control the money spent. I think the world economy has been stretched to the breaking point by pure greed.

gilhooly Wrote:I must shut up.

yes fucking please.

megumidesu Wrote:yes fucking please.

I agree... Gihooly, that was so offensive pretty much all around.

You sound very bitter and misogynistic...women aren't Dominatrixes wielding strap ons to fuck society in the face with their supposed "new found power", but are merely expressing their ability of a society of shared equality, which is a right of every being.

Alot of men who have issues with women usually have mommy issues or are intimidated by strong and outspoken women.

This is 2013, Women can do whatever a Man can and it's not Men "giving up" their "Manliness", but rightfully being equal with Women...

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