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Feminism and hatred towards feminism
gilhooly Wrote:I think I get your point ... Women have balls and men wear aprons. Pretty soon men will have babies. Women will insist they have the right to rape men so they can cuddle a baby
feeling tolerant today so going to put all this flame in perspective somehow, still working on it thoFlame2

how can you be that age and be soooo ... well even think this ... unique/quaint

Not that I agree with everything gihooly said but I think there are some grains of truth there. Women have come a long ways from where they were. It seems like they are trying to beat a dead horse sometimes.

As far as the OP and women getting raped, I really have no sympathy for women who dress and act like sluts and then call rape. You can look very very sexy and not show off all the bits that you have. Its the equivalent of how guys let their shorts bag down around their buttocks. I dont want or need to see all of that so pull up your fucking pants/clothes. TYVM!

Women who sleep around alot too get little sympathy. Whatever happened to getting to know the person you are going to have sex with? What happened to dating? Have we devolved to the point of being "just animals" so much so that we have to satisfy our lustful instinctual needs over and over? Dont get me wrong, guys - especially gay guys - get very little sympathy in that regard too. They are no better or worse if they sleep around alot. They know the risks involved in sleeping with every tom dick and harry that comes along.

I also think some feminism is still needed especially in the workplace. Guys will still sexually harass women and that is uncalled for. Also women still earn less for the same job which is total BS if they can do the same job equally as well as a man.


Why are you so opposed to promiscuity just because you personally aren't into it? If a man or woman happens to enjoy sex and thus pursues many sexual partners then what's the problem provided there's protection and consent? I'm not personally a promiscuous person (only had one sexual partner) because I don't feel like sleeping around. Nonetheless I can't stand it when people belittle so-called "sluts" the way you're doing. What the hell is wrong in liking sex with many sexual partners if it's done safely and maturely? Do you think there's a virtue in limiting the people you sleep with? No, there's a virtue in being an all-around decent human being regardless of who you sleep with. If I fucked each and every legal member on this site with mutual consent I would not by default be a worse human being or less deserving of respect than you are. Also, your rape statements probably set us back like 50 years but I'm too tired to thoroughly deal with that. No offense intended.

Virgin shaming and slut shaming are equally obnoxious and stupid.

SolemnBoy Wrote:If I fucked each and every legal member on this site with mutual consent...

Excuse me? I'll have you know I'm a Top Hunni! Who says you will be doing the fucking? :p

Pssh, gurl, I'd have you speaking in Tongues! Rofl

Sheep :3

KawaiiKitty Wrote:As far as the OP and women getting raped, I really have no sympathy for women who dress and act like sluts and then call rape. You can look very very sexy and not show off all the bits that you have

I'll try to remember you said this and if I hear that your sports car got jacked, that you put on fine clothes with expensive name brands (and who really needs to be a logo anyway?) and got robbed, or you were a little too "flaming" and got bashed, then I won't have any sympathy for you either.

And by the way, that's a very negative view of men you have there. There are ONLY 2 options that you imply: one, men have the impulse control of children and can't help themselves, or two, that men are psychopaths who can control themselves but choose not to. In either case how can you justify that men not have their rights to be adults removed (that is they become permanent children for their entire lives)? Do you believe in a might makes right philosophy, that the strong can take whatever he wants and screw (including literally) everyone else?

gilhooly Wrote:I think I get your point. The group of people who are raped most often by numbers are men in prison. I dare anyone to watch news and find that out. We have something incredible like 10 million men behind bars. Car thieves get the worse punishments averaging 7 years behind bars. The cop who murdered a friend of mine, Harvey Milk, the first openly gay official elected in San Francisco. He said he was on a sugar high from eating too many Twinkies. He was found NOT GUILTY. We have an open society and killing gays.

Women claim to be the most oppressed but they control trillions of dollars more than men in the stock market. In 1932, men and women died at the same age. Women now live 8 years longer, Feminists rule the airwaves. Say anything bad and your company gets a boycott. I am 67 and still walk tall and erect. I don't like being molested by anyone. I wish I had a dollar for every time some girl grabbed my balls. Recently I had a laugh. A friend the same age as me reminded me who I looked like in the fifties and early sixties. "John, I asked everyone. From the 5th grade to the end of high school you looked like Justin Bieber." "So that's why so many girls grabbed my balls. Thanks for telling me."

As a cute boy and a good looking man I was always being molested by girls.or women. When I complained they loudly called me a faggot. I was supposed to like being grabbed by women. I do not. AS a man, my opinion counts for shit in America. Women control the market place.

In the fifties and sixties, my dad and I picked the family car. Today, showroom salesmen ignore men and smile at women. The Japanese invented fuzzy thinking and redesigned the interiors to suit women buyers. Like most men my age, I got hardons as a boy looking at Thunderbirds, Corvettes, the 1954 DeSoto was a wet dream come true, so was the 1957 Chevy, the 1949 Mercury. The first car I bought was a 1960 Rambler, the seat made a bed. WOW. Great things happened in that car when the seats were turned into a bed. Today every car looks Japanese and no one can tell the difference.

In the last election we were told we could vote for the white sex appeal of Romney or the black sex appeal of Obama. I would have preferred someone who seemed like a leader like Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson or Nixon. They had balls and got the American economy going. We now are offered pretty boys who promise security to women. Have to say this. I was an expert marksmen in the Marine Corps and I can still shoot your head off. Lucky me. I never killed anyone and thank God for that. There is no such thing as security. We exist when we form a community. Men have to love men to make a community. Try to form a community, you are branded as a faggot. only women can lead communities, that is what Hilary Clinton says.

The old women in my building took one look at that 20 year old that killed 28 people and they said his bangs of hair proved he was gay. Obama said he was pure evil. The kid was 20, had no social skills, no job, no money and was autistic. His father and brother abandoned him and moved to Hoboken NJ. Mom informed Adam Lanza that she was tired of his annoying behavior and she was moving away. Nice mom left a 20 year old with no future in a house filled with high powered rifles. The women in town demand that there must be a cop in every classroom. How come no one thought of hiring a tutor for this kid. He was diagnosed at 10 as autistic. Women want security in classrooms. I want teachers, and coaches and counselors hired. Women say I am old fashioned. Funny. I can still shoot a cigarette from your mouth. I don't need security, I would like kids educated. That can't happen. Both parents work and teachers don't teach. Women who control the teacher's union say it is unfair to demand that teachers know how to spell or do arithmetic.

Isn't feminism grand. Women have balls and men wear aprons. Pretty soon men will have babies. Women will insist they have the right to rape men so they can cuddle a baby.

I must shut up. I find it very hard these days to listen to women claim to be victims. They control the vote. They control the money spent. I think the world economy has been stretched to the breaking point by pure greed.

Do you even read yourself back when you write such stupidities... and I am sorry normally I'd be polite but now this is just a massive gross pile of crap. Women is that person who gave you birth, do you have any sisters, grandmothers, girlfriends. You talk about feminism as it was an attempt for woman to victimize themselves... hey sir... go back and check Mary Poppins again and again... although it is a movie for kids there's at least one scene where you're going to learn something.

If you are going to be disrespectful to all women, your mom, grandmothers, her mother, my daughter, sisters, my moms and all my girlfriends you are damn right; Shut the hell up or read back before pressing "submit reply"... who cares about your position of women in the army... don't feel too strong of a man about it... where you think yourself invincible, tell me sir... aren't you're feeling grudge by your 67th years... the time isn't that far away now... don't you want to leave with the thought that you made someone happy today? And that isn't just about telling us how you met Obama, how you fucked Dick Cheney's dog or how you were able to circumcised an ant - frankly we don't give a rat ass about it...

This rambling is quite annoying and frankly I don't believe much people associates with it even those closer to your age.

Now can you please apologize to all women from this forum... I believe you owe them this one.

SolemnBoy Wrote:Kawaiikitty:

Why are you so opposed to promiscuity just because you personally aren't into it? If a man or woman happens to enjoy sex and thus pursues many sexual partners then what's the problem provided there's protection and consent? I'm not personally a promiscuous person (only had one sexual partner) because I don't feel like sleeping around. Nonetheless I can't stand it when people belittle so-called "sluts" the way you're doing. What the hell is wrong in liking sex with many sexual partners if it's done safely and maturely? Do you think there's a virtue in limiting the people you sleep with? No, there's a virtue in being an all-around decent human being regardless of who you sleep with. If I fucked each and every legal member on this site with mutual consent I would not by default be a worse human being or less deserving of respect than you are. Also, your rape statements probably set us back like 50 years but I'm too tired to thoroughly deal with that. No offense intended.

Virgin shaming and slut shaming are equally obnoxious and stupid.

Its about decency and showing just ALITTLE self restraint. We are not animals out in the woods trying to mate with everything on two legs. We are supposed to be a civilized society who can and should show alittle self restraint. Would you really want a partner who has slept around with 50, 60, 100, 200 other guys? If for no other reason I wouldn't want someone like that cause I would be afraid they would more easily cheat on me just because they have had a history of ALOT more partners. People don't change their habits that easily. If they are used to that many partners then well the likelihood of them continuing is probably higher than someone who has had serious relationships.

Plus the more partners you have the more likelihood of you catching something even by accident increases. If you're bed hopping every night I view it as someone who basically doesn't have any self respect, so why should I respect them? If you dont have enough self respect to find a good decent lasting relationship and enjoy sex within the confines of that relationship then again why should anyone else respect you?

Pix Wrote:I'll try to remember you said this and if I hear that your sports car got jacked, that you put on fine clothes with expensive name brands (and who really needs to be a logo anyway?) and got robbed, or you were a little too "flaming" and got bashed, then I won't have any sympathy for you either.

And by the way, that's a very negative view of men you have there. There are ONLY 2 options that you imply: one, men have the impulse control of children and can't help themselves, or two, that men are psychopaths who can control themselves but choose not to. In either case how can you justify that men not have their rights to be adults removed (that is they become permanent children for their entire lives)? Do you believe in a might makes right philosophy, that the strong can take whatever he wants and screw (including literally) everyone else?

I drive a sensible car and wear sensible clothes, all within my means and I never really act flamingly gay outside cause I know even in California not everyone is accepting. S try again. Tongue

And I never said ALL guys were like that. There are some who are so misogynistic that they will hit on every girl they can in the office and not really care about their feelings. Its those kinds of guys I was talking about. Anyone who rapes also are responsible for their actions as well. Just because a someone dresses sluttily doesnt mean they deserve to be raped, I never said that or meant it. Im just saying that ANYONE can dress sexily without showing off EVERYTHING. I dont need to see your boobs hanging out or your vagina flashing me when you get out of a car. I dont need or even want to see your ass hanging out of your jeans just cause its the "cool" thing to do to let your pants ride low.

KawaiiKitty Wrote:Its about decency and showing just ALITTLE self restraint. We are not animals out in the woods trying to mate with everything on two legs. We are supposed to be a civilized society who can and should show alittle self restraint. Would you really want a partner who has slept around with 50, 60, 100, 200 other guys? If for no other reason I wouldn't want someone like that cause I would be afraid they would more easily cheat on me just because they have had a history of ALOT more partners. People don't change their habits that easily. If they are used to that many partners then well the likelihood of them continuing is probably higher than someone who has had serious relationships.

Plus the more partners you have the more likelihood of you catching something even by accident increases. If you're bed hopping every night I view it as someone who basically doesn't have any self respect, so why should I respect them? If you dont have enough self respect to find a good decent lasting relationship and enjoy sex within the confines of that relationship then again why should anyone else respect you?

I have a partner who has been promiscuous in the past (as have I). Doesn't mean we bed hop every night or lack self respect, thank you very much.

KawaiiKitty Wrote:Its about decency and showing just ALITTLE self restraint. We are not animals out in the woods trying to mate with everything on two legs. We are supposed to be a civilized society who can and should show alittle self restraint. Would you really want a partner who has slept around with 50, 60, 100, 200 other guys? If for no other reason I wouldn't want someone like that cause I would be afraid they would more easily cheat on me just because they have had a history of ALOT more partners. People don't change their habits that easily. If they are used to that many partners then well the likelihood of them continuing is probably higher than someone who has had serious relationships.

Plus the more partners you have the more likelihood of you catching something even by accident increases. If you're bed hopping every night I view it as someone who basically doesn't have any self respect, so why should I respect them? If you dont have enough self respect to find a good decent lasting relationship and enjoy sex within the confines of that relationship then again why should anyone else respect you?

Get over youself.

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