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Feminism and hatred towards feminism
if a woman wearing more revealing clothing is more likely to be a target of rape , then why do so many women get raped when they're wearing clothes that cover their bodies.
it has nothing to do with it , because rape is a crime of power and dominance and nothing to do with the physical appearance of the victim.

rape will stop happening when people learn not to rape , rather than by telling people how to stop being raped.

megumidesu Wrote:if a woman wearing more revealing clothing is more likely to be a target of rape , then why do so many women get raped when they're wearing clothes that cover their bodies.
it has nothing to do with it , because rape is a crime of power and dominance and nothing to do with the physical appearance of the victim.

THERE someone understand the real causality of sex crime

KawaiiKitty Wrote:wow well Jake is just alittle bitch. lol He's taken his toys and went home. lolol Guess Ive been banned til the 24th or some shit. lol He's just abusing the system. Still its hilarious that he cant stand other people's opinion.

Id rather be monologing the rest of my life instead of having to resort to trying to ban people from expressing their opinion on a subject. I heard North Korea needs a new leader and they are already used to that sort of thing. You would make a great candidate Jake.

and apparently Im only banned from this thread until the 24th! so cheers!

Hahahahahha loosing your temper now are you? and yep this will keep going on dude... you have just made the statement that will perhaps ban you more longer than you think because that's total disrespecting and trust me... you have been abusing the system more than I did. And dude it's my pleasure and I'll keep track you down and abusing the system that same way Smile

Cheers buddy...

Jake Wrote:Hahahahahha loosing your temper now are you? and yep this will keep going on dude... you have just made the statement that will perhaps ban you more longer than you think because that's total disrespecting and trust me... you have been abusing the system more than I did. And dude it's my pleasure and I'll keep track you down and abusing the system that same way Smile

Cheers buddy...

This is pretty rotten. It's a message board, not a high school DECA. Y'all need to drop the pom-poms and quit trying to gouge each others' eyes out.

SeaDevil Wrote:This is pretty rotten. It's a message board, not a high school DECA. Y'all need to drop the pom-poms and quit trying to gouge each others' eyes out.

Nah. The guy really was asking for it with everything he was spewing in this thread. It wasn't so much personal. It was a reaction to all the garbage. While some is okay, it did really go to far.

PS: Women are awesome! I think that was what this thread was about at one point.

I actually don't appreciate the way some things were said to KawaiiKitty. I'd appreciate it more if the criticism could stick to his opinions themselves rather than him as a person. Some of the things people said were mean.

SolemnBoy Wrote:I actually don't appreciate the way some things were said to KawaiiKitty. I'd appreciate it more if the criticism could stick to his opinions themselves rather than him as a person. Some of the things people said were mean.

And some people don't appreciate his complete disrespect for humanity. When simple conversation failed with him, the kid gloves just came off. Opinion is fine and great for a debate, but pure hatred and continued disrespect has its limits. Women are people too and deserve to be treated as equals. Feminism has a purpose, and some people just love to tread all over it.

SeaDevil Wrote:This is pretty rotten. It's a message board, not a high school DECA. Y'all need to drop the pom-poms and quit trying to gouge each others' eyes out.

SeaDevil I'd suggest you to go read some of the answer the person sent before accusing me of being immature... there was really unacceptable things being said in this thread and someone had to do something or it was going to keep on going for ever and ever.

Yes my last message sounds perhaps childish... but it is in reply of an even more childish message.

To all

I am truly sorry if this thread has degenerated into a what seem to be a personal argumentation war between a member and myself many other who have taken part in this discussion.

I am not going to do a complete retrospective of what happened in this thread has this would be long and if you want to make an opinion for yourself, feel free to go read it all back... but I do not believe you'll get anything good from this rambling as one wanted its opinion to be heard and validated and had a complete rebuttal to hear or accept opinions of others. There was no winner and no looser but they were also no real development of the topic. At the end seeing that this rambling was going nowhere I started reporting some of his posts as some other user did. When someone keeps on rambling on the same subject and not bringing anything new to a discussion and refuse to hear what other have to say this is no longer a debate. This was becoming a war on reporting since every reports I’d do he would report it back.

Now that he is gone off the thread for few days I suggest that this thread returns to its initial subject which is “Feminism and hatred towards feminism” started by Solemnboy

Just a quick message to all individuals who are misogynist, have hatred or intolerance toward women and/or have preconceived right-wing ideology about the feminine gender; if you cannot come in this thread with in mind to positively contribute to the subject, without bias doctrinal religious concept, social or antisocial prejudices… why don’t you stay away? If your opinions is more of a statement that seems to be a fact to you, revise them before posting as you may definitely hurt people’s feelings and also prevent those who are looking for proper assistance to enjoy the debate. If your ideas cannot be discussed, questioned or analyzed by others you shouldn’t be posting in a debate since having a debate implies that both parties are bringing valuable arguments to their rhetoric, you do not have to agree with the other party’s opinion or information provided, but you do have to keep a sense of decorum. And when you disagree, why don’t you provide the proper proof that shows that it’s not only you disagreeing to the subject.

Feminism is a very heavy subject and it does tend to bring flaming discussions between parties, but when you do not agree with something… take some time away, prepare your come back and try to stay away from calling name, even though you’re saying it in a general way… in that general way or general group you’re targeting there’s individual who will be challenged by your name calling.

Again sorry for the rambling.

SolemnBoy Wrote:I actually don't appreciate the way some things were said to KawaiiKitty. I'd appreciate it more if the criticism could stick to his opinions themselves rather than him as a person. Some of the things people said were mean.

Fair enough... now go check his goodbye and tell me if that was not a direct attack... through out the posts I have been trying to stay away from the name calling... but some people do use these tactics to come forward and play the victim of name calling when they incorporate the very same words in a more general ways... when you say that someone is a liar, cheater, etc... and try to pass it as a general... well the group who were targeted Solemnboy; there is individual in that group.

Before going forward and talk about feminism... in research the very first thing we do is to provide definition and that's exactly what I'm proposing here. Because although I have nothing about some claims made by women categorized as feminist nit is very important I believe to make the difference between them.

Cultural Feminism
Cultural feminism is a variety of feminism which emphasizes essential* differences between men and women, based on biological differences in reproductive capacity. Cultural feminism attributes to those differences distinctive and superior virtues in women. What women share, in this perspective, provides a basis for "sisterhood," or unity, solidarity and shared identity.

Is a term invented in the 1970s, refers to a kind of feminism that is tied to ideas about ecology and the earth. Ecofeminist philosophy recognizes and analyzes the connections between behavior that oppresses women and behavior that harms the environment. There are different types of ecofeminsm which focus on areas such as economics, spirituality, colonization, class struggle or racism

Liberal Feminism
A definition, description and history of liberal feminism, one of the branches of feminism that is often distinguished from radical, socialist or cultural feminism. Liberal feminism's primary goal is gender equality in the public sphere
- equal access to education, equal pay, ending job sex segregation, better working conditions
- won primarily through legal changes. Private sphere issues are of concern mainly as they influence or impede equality in the public sphere.

Gaining access to and being paid and promoted equally in traditionally male-dominated occupations is an important goal. What do women want? Liberal feminism answers: mostly, what men want: to get an education, to make a decent living, to provide for one's family.

Radical Feminism
Radical feminism is a philosophy emphasizing the patriarchal roots of inequality between men and women, or, more specifically, social dominance of women by men. Radical feminism views patriarchy as dividing rights, privileges and power primarily by gender, and as a result oppressing women and privileging men.

Socialist Feminism
Socialist feminism was a branch of feminism that gained popularity in the women's movement during the 1960s and 1970s. Socialists had fought for decades to create a more equal society that did not exploit the poor and powerless in the ways capitalism did. Like Marxism, socialist feminism recognized the oppressive structure of capitalist society. Like radical feminism, socialist feminism recognized the fundamental oppression of women in patriarchal society. However, socialist feminists did not recognize gender and only gender as the exclusive basis of all oppression.

There now you guys can go ahead and discuss about feminism as now you know the difference between each camp Smile I have worked more with Socialist Feminist

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