I think FINALLY got myself a man this weekend!We met on the internet (yeah,I know) and we finally met up this weekend and the sparks were flying.He's unlike any other guy that I've met,he's Australian,he's a dancer,has a wicked sense of humour,is very beautiful & talks dirty like no ones business.There is one problem though,I'm addicted to him.Every little secone that I get,I call,text or e-mail him.We talk till the early hours of the morning.Is this normal or healthy?
yes, as Rowan said, it is completely normal and I hope the giddy period never ends for ya. It is the best!
I don't think I'm in love Ro!Hmmm...I don't know how describe the nature of our relationship,it's twisted.
The best of luck Smurls!I'm so proud of myself that I haven't succumed to temptation and have sex with him although I can tell you it's really difficult!This is so unlike me,I guess I'm treating this like my heterosexual relationships.A strange thing happened though,I sent Trent a pick of Dan Jnr and he was upset.Yes,indeed this was slutty on my part but he was offended.Argh,the principled gay man is so complicated!
What?Is that a huge "no,no" in the thinking gay man's etiquette guide?marshlander,would you be offended if I sent you a pic of my manly bits?