05-22-2013, 07:40 AM
Lalo Wrote:Although I won't rejoice in this man's death, I also certainly will not waste a second of compassion for him. In his letter, he makes it clear that he was hoping that his suicide would spark an enormous backlash against the legalization of gay marriage. This speaks of a man with an enormous ego, as well as one who is deeply manipulative and who has an extremely twisted grasp of reality.
Hate-filled, selfish, egocentric, ideologues- These are the people who make up the "immoral minority" who seek to destroy our pride and deliberately turn us into second class citizens. The whole thing just disgusts me.
Yes, he seemed to be very clear with himself. If you found a translation of this letter in English, can you post it please?
Maybe people only think he was just crazy, unhealthy or whatever.
He wrote an article in his blog saying :
Quote:Il ne suffira pas d’organiser de gentilles manifestations de rue pour l’empêcher. C’est àune véritable « réforme intellectuelle et morale », comme disait Renan, qu’il faudrait d’abord procéder. Elle devrait permettre une reconquête de la mémoire identitaire française et européenne, dont le besoin n’est pas encore nettement perçu.
Il faudra certainement des geste nouveaux, spectaculaires et symboliques pour ébranler les somnolences, secouer les consciences anesthésiées et réveiller la mémoire de nos origines. Nous entrons dans un temps où les paroles doivent être authentifiées par des acte
It won't be enough to organize nice streets demonstration to prevent it [gay marriage], we must proceed to a real "intellectual reform". First, it would allow to re-conquest European and French identitary memory which the need is not clearly percepted yet.
We'll need new spectacular and symbolic actions, to awake awareness and to awake memories of our origins. We enter a period where speaches must be authentified by actions.
My translation is a bit approximative but you have the idea I think.