05-31-2013, 04:02 AM
MisterTinkles Wrote:Oh yeah baby, slap me with that waffle AGAIN!
You got some maple syrup daddy? Get me all wet and sticky!!!
*slaps you with a MOIST waffle*

MisterTinkles Wrote:[SIZE="6"][B]
Your descriptions of your dealings are all standard issue with online people. They dont want REAL HUMAN BEINGS for friends, they just want someone to listen to them bitch, whine, and moan and hopefully make themselves into some kind of person they arent.
This is exactly what I'm finding more and more. I'm not one to hide my personality, or act in a way that will make everyone happy. I am who I am.. and if you have a problem with it.. go away.. basically :p. I have friends who accept me and can appreciate my sense of humor (they're all pretty weird themselves).. but yeah, as far as online goes, I think you nailed it. Especially on facebook, where every other post is someone bitching about something in attempt to get attention.
It's kind of sad.