kidchameleon Wrote:At the end of the day; when the internet crashes, electricity is lost to us, computers stop working, and/or the machines take over the world...
I'll still have all 5 of my copies of Alice in Wonderland.
But all you sucka's who only have it on your Kindle? You'll be screwed!! Mwahahaahaa!! 
I have a 64 GB microSD in my phone that's loaded down with games, books, music, etc and a solar charger for my phone. I'll be toting around less than a pound for all the information/entertainment that I'll need a cart to carry around your encyclopedia brittanica! ;0)
Actually, though, I'm pretty versatile (when it comes to books). I love a book that is tangible, especially a used one. I love seeing what other's highlighted, knowing that hundreds of hands may have graced (and grazed) the pages, that each person who read it before me learned something different than what I learned, and I love when my elbows start to hurt from holding a book in the same position for too long.
BUT, they require a lot of natural resources. AND, Kindle opened up all of their ebooks to thousands of libraries across the States, so now I can check out anything I want, have access to it for two weeks, and never worry about late fees. Plus, I can read on my phone or my computer which is less noticeable when I'm bored at work ;0). And, then there's the portability of ebooks. I can have a million ebooks and it weigh the same as having one ebook. Good luck moving 1,000,000 real books.
So, while I love the traditional book, I tend to buy way more ebooks - even if I get more distracted like someone mentioned earlier on in this conversation.