06-04-2013, 07:09 AM
I hope I am posting this in the right place and apologize if I'm not! I would love to know how old people were when they knew they were gay.
My 11 year old son told me he is gay (and for the record I am thrilled he trusts me and can share with me). Is it unusual to know this young? I hugged my son, told him that I loved him and that nothing will change that and he just had a big smile on his face and told me he was glad he told me and feels a weight off his shoulder. I told him that no matter what, I love him and that he is stuck with me
He also told his 14 year old sister and my daughter pretty much had the same reaction I did. She and he are very close. And then the 3 of us hugged.
I guess I have always assumed he probably was gay. From the time he was a toddler I just I had a feeling. Can't put my finger on it but it was there. I have just know. My 11 year old son and I are very close. My 2 older teenagers also assumed he was gay. My 16 year old son every year since he started high school particpates in the day of silence.
I have been very vocal about my support of gay marriage and have raised my kids to support equal rights for everybody. I vote my views and even would not let my boys join scouts due to their discrimintory practices.
My 11 year old follows the news about gay marriage very closely and keeps me updated in great detal. I asked him why and last year he told me that he was not sure if he wanted to marry a man or woman and wanted to option (not exactly typical for a 10 year old)
I just assumed he would not realize it until he was older.
So i would love to hear from people who are gay when they knew. Especially if you knew when very young. And how did you know for sure?
I am female and married to a man. (unhappily, lots and lots of stress). My kids are scared of my husband and my son asked me to not tell my husband. I have mentioned to my husband over the years that I would not be suprised if our youngest son is gay and my husbands reaction has been that is impossible because "there have never been any gay people in the family on either side" (I told him that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. And in addition to many reasons its dumb, I asked him how he knew that!)
My son asked me to not tell my husband what he told me his reaction. I promised him I would not break his confidence and that I would let him tell him when he is ready. That makes me sad that he does not want him to know, but I don't blame him knowing how my husband is.
My son is about to start 6th grade and I know from expeirence with my other kids, Jr. High is brutal. Any advice I can give him? He has had bullying issues in the past because is is a self described "nerdy smart kid".
I don't want to tell him to hide who he is, but don't want him to be hurt either. I don't know what the best advice for him would be. He is already super nervous about starting Jr. High.
To add to this, he does enjoy wearing girls clothing in the privacy of our home and has told me he sometimes wishes he was born a girl. He also had told me that he likes to pretend he is my daughter instead of son. Which makes me wonder if he has gender identity issues? Possible transgender rather than gay?
Its my understanding that being gay is about being attracted to the same gender. And he told me he likes boys. But the dressing like a girl , is that a common thing for gay boys? a When his older sister outgrew dresses he would snag them before they went to donation and I let him keep them (much to my husbands upset). He loves girly things and even as a small boy had no interest in sports or typical boy stuff and preferred barbies, dolls, etc.
I want to make it clear I support and love him no matter what, I just have nobody to talk to about these issues in my daily life and would really like to hear others opinions.
Sorry for the rambling post. I hope to hear others exeriences, perspectives, and mabe a bit of advice.
My 11 year old son told me he is gay (and for the record I am thrilled he trusts me and can share with me). Is it unusual to know this young? I hugged my son, told him that I loved him and that nothing will change that and he just had a big smile on his face and told me he was glad he told me and feels a weight off his shoulder. I told him that no matter what, I love him and that he is stuck with me

He also told his 14 year old sister and my daughter pretty much had the same reaction I did. She and he are very close. And then the 3 of us hugged.
I guess I have always assumed he probably was gay. From the time he was a toddler I just I had a feeling. Can't put my finger on it but it was there. I have just know. My 11 year old son and I are very close. My 2 older teenagers also assumed he was gay. My 16 year old son every year since he started high school particpates in the day of silence.
I have been very vocal about my support of gay marriage and have raised my kids to support equal rights for everybody. I vote my views and even would not let my boys join scouts due to their discrimintory practices.
My 11 year old follows the news about gay marriage very closely and keeps me updated in great detal. I asked him why and last year he told me that he was not sure if he wanted to marry a man or woman and wanted to option (not exactly typical for a 10 year old)
I just assumed he would not realize it until he was older.
So i would love to hear from people who are gay when they knew. Especially if you knew when very young. And how did you know for sure?
I am female and married to a man. (unhappily, lots and lots of stress). My kids are scared of my husband and my son asked me to not tell my husband. I have mentioned to my husband over the years that I would not be suprised if our youngest son is gay and my husbands reaction has been that is impossible because "there have never been any gay people in the family on either side" (I told him that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. And in addition to many reasons its dumb, I asked him how he knew that!)
My son asked me to not tell my husband what he told me his reaction. I promised him I would not break his confidence and that I would let him tell him when he is ready. That makes me sad that he does not want him to know, but I don't blame him knowing how my husband is.
My son is about to start 6th grade and I know from expeirence with my other kids, Jr. High is brutal. Any advice I can give him? He has had bullying issues in the past because is is a self described "nerdy smart kid".
I don't want to tell him to hide who he is, but don't want him to be hurt either. I don't know what the best advice for him would be. He is already super nervous about starting Jr. High.
To add to this, he does enjoy wearing girls clothing in the privacy of our home and has told me he sometimes wishes he was born a girl. He also had told me that he likes to pretend he is my daughter instead of son. Which makes me wonder if he has gender identity issues? Possible transgender rather than gay?
Its my understanding that being gay is about being attracted to the same gender. And he told me he likes boys. But the dressing like a girl , is that a common thing for gay boys? a When his older sister outgrew dresses he would snag them before they went to donation and I let him keep them (much to my husbands upset). He loves girly things and even as a small boy had no interest in sports or typical boy stuff and preferred barbies, dolls, etc.
I want to make it clear I support and love him no matter what, I just have nobody to talk to about these issues in my daily life and would really like to hear others opinions.
Sorry for the rambling post. I hope to hear others exeriences, perspectives, and mabe a bit of advice.