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Ya so gross lyke! :o
I love you Grlaugh

CakeLuv Wrote:I love you Grlaugh

Danks hunni bunni, I wub you too! Imu2 .

LOL this whole topic cracks me up.. but that is really disgusting. I mean, grown adults can't.. you know... go IN the toilet? And I also second what Mr Tinkles said.. how does one spray shit, and why on the wall?

We may never know... and that may be for the better.. Turtle

That man sounds mentally ill, and I would guess he subconsciously felt helpless or endangered so trying to establish control by marking it as "his" territory where he could feel safe (using feces to mark territory is a simian trait, and also flung at others to drive them away, and we humans are simian). That's just my guess, and I like the idea of deposits, especially if it's common (but there are bad apples on all sides so if deposits became a common practice then some resorts would invent excuses not to give them back and that would hurt the tourist industry).

As for not picking up trash, we Americans generally have the attitude when at a business, hotel, etc, that other people are paid to take care of it. America also prides individualism, including the negative traits that lead to being extremely obnoxious (and sometimes obnoxious behavior is even cheered in America, and people who would be dismissed as loudmouth vulgar boors in other countries can become best selling authors and popular talk show hosts here in the States).

I recently shared about how I lived in a poor neighborhood and whereas I guess growing up as I did I learned to make the best of it but others (perhaps longing for what people unrealistically have on TV) hated it and vandalized it in like a hatred for the place, and litter was everywhere. People would not only bust bottles and tag buildings but someone worked a nail at a park gazebo to cut & tear people and another placed tacks on a bike path (which I took care of).

And no one but me would take care of the messes, though when I got a rep for it I'd get the occasional anonymous note alerting me for another cleanup (almost always something that people would worry about damaging their tires or something). And it got so absurd that I saw little kids climbing trees and doing kickflips on skateboards (and no helmet or pads) over broken glass while their mothers WATCHED, and so I asked them how they could stand to watch it. They all said it was "someone else's responsibility" (though they didn't agree on who's exactly it was) and that if their kids had to go to the hospital they were going to sue the one responsible. I went back later and cleaned it up myself, not only for the kids but also didn't want the animals walking over it and then licking it off their paws.

And a Catholic Church by there hired a cleaning crew to clean the grounds (I presume they're Catholic, but don't know for sure), and they did a good job on their property, but I saw some dog crap like 6"/15cm off their property and though it would've been no trouble to clean it up (it might've even been a little more difficult to NOT clean it up while they were at it) they left it there, even with a dumpster about a yard/meter away (I got that, too).

In better neighborhoods people take more pride (and perhaps worry about property values) so it's less of a problem, at least for the locals.

Pix Wrote:That man sounds mentally ill, and I would guess he subconsciously felt helpless or endangered so trying to establish control by marking it as "his" territory where he could feel safe (using feces to mark territory is a simian trait, and also flung at others to drive them away, and we humans are simian). That's just my guess, and I like the idea of deposits, especially if it's common (but there are bad apples on all sides so if deposits became a common practice then some resorts would invent excuses not to give them back and that would hurt the tourist industry).

As for not picking up trash, we Americans generally have the attitude when at a business, hotel, etc, that other people are paid to take care of it. America also prides individualism, including the negative traits that lead to being extremely obnoxious (and sometimes obnoxious behavior is even cheered in America, and people who would be dismissed as loudmouth vulgar boors in other countries can become best selling authors and popular talk show hosts here in the States).

I recently shared about how I lived in a poor neighborhood and whereas I guess growing up as I did I learned to make the best of it but others (perhaps longing for what people unrealistically have on TV) hated it and vandalized it in like a hatred for the place, and litter was everywhere. People would not only bust bottles and tag buildings but someone worked a nail at a park gazebo to cut & tear people and another placed tacks on a bike path (which I took care of).

And no one but me would take care of the messes, though when I got a rep for it I'd get the occasional anonymous note alerting me for another cleanup (almost always something that people would worry about damaging their tires or something). And it got so absurd that I saw little kids climbing trees and doing kickflips on skateboards (and no helmet or pads) over broken glass while their mothers WATCHED, and so I asked them how they could stand to watch it. They all said it was "someone else's responsibility" (though they didn't agree on who's exactly it was) and that if their kids had to go to the hospital they were going to sue the one responsible. I went back later and cleaned it up myself, not only for the kids but also didn't want the animals walking over it and then licking it off their paws.

And a Catholic Church by there hired a cleaning crew to clean the grounds (I presume they're Catholic, but don't know for sure), and they did a good job on their property, but I saw some dog crap like 6"/15cm off their property and though it would've been no trouble to clean it up (it might've even been a little more difficult to NOT clean it up while they were at it) they left it there, even with a dumpster about a yard/meter away (I got that, too).

In better neighborhoods people take more pride (and perhaps worry about property values) so it's less of a problem, at least for the locals.

As usual Pixie, you blow my mind and make all kindsa sense.

Would this also explain the reason why men especially from America also grow big bellies and let their body hair take over? This sense of Individualism? Because Bermudians take extreme pride in their looks and environment, so when I see all these hairy,big bellied American men, I have to wonder why?

It seems to be normal for them...we don't get it...

Also, I've gathered that from how they look at me, but don't really acknowledge me, which I don't know if it's on purpose to avoid confrontation or their culture, but whichever, it's flappin annoying!

We as a people are very social,communicative,friendly,helpful and when Americans come here, it's like they don't know how to respond, so don't and this comes off as offensive to us.

And that man was not mentally ill gurl, at least not medically, Although he may have been homeless... It's hard to tell sometimes.

QueenOdi Wrote:Would this also explain the reason why men especially from America also grow big bellies and let their body hair take over?

I don't really know. I do know that men are typically judged more by their income and/or accomplishments than appearance (though of course one must dress their part) so physical appearance is much less important for men than women (and women are judged more by appearance than by their accomplishments, even by other women, so it's a "girly" thing to fuss over how you look). Many men (and some of our women) also see men who do spend a lot of time on their appearances as "effeminate" and the dreaded "metrosexual" is even seen as being gay for caring how he looks, and most American men don't want to be seen as gay (example).

Another example is Mr. Garrison said to a metrosexual, angry that he wasn't interested in having sex with him, "Those pants and those shoes say you pound butt!" And it goes on to show men are made into metrosexuals so they'll be too weak to defend the planet from crab people.

I suppose it's also possible that plenty of men feel if they can't be the most buff, hot, etc, that they might as well not even try...

QueenOdi Wrote:Also, I've gathered that from how they look at me, but don't really acknowledge me, which I don't know if it's on purpose to avoid confrontation or their culture, but whichever, it's flappin annoying!

I expect you get a lot of people from the urban and suburban areas (more likely to have the money to visit). People are generally expected to mind their own business (and that would be individualism at work), though "people watching" is ok (and sometimes even expected). Rural tend to be much more friendly (or at least polite) and it was something of a culture shock sometimes when I'd get in the habit in East Texas to waving at strangers and then go back to the outskirts of Houston where I'd wave at strangers driving by reflexively and they'd stare at me as if trying to figure out who I was. Rofl

I have worked in the hotel industry and rental industry. Renting out houses and apartments. As a maintenance man I have gone into people's homes to fix pipes and stuff and am utterly disgusted by the amount of filth they live in.

I'm not talking things like children's toys tossed about, I'm talking about ancient pizza boxes with a few slices of pizza still inside, the box hit the floor and was trampled until it was flattened. I'm talking carpet with so much dirt and debris trampled into it that the only thing one can do is pull up the carpet and incinerate it. I'm talking houses with hardwood floors that have so much dirt and God only knows what on the floor you think the place has a dirt floor.

Renters don't take care of the place, they knock holes in walls, smash doors and windows, spill grape soda or something and let it sit there to become a festering sticky mess ruining the carpet, the floor or the upholstery of the furniture - furniture they own - they just don't care.

A troubling and all too common medical problem exist. I call it Exorcist Ass - where some how a person manages to spew fecal matter all over the place, behind the toilet, under the seat, on the floor. Explosive diarrhea? No think Linda Blair spewing vomit when possessed by that nice, clean demon times ten.

Why? Laziness? Lack of caring? Who knows.

I would like to tell you that these people just do it for you because they don't care about a public space, but I fear that people actually do live in these conditions. Not because they are medically unable, but because of whatever compels them to live worse than animals.

I'm guessing he just felt like being full of crap *hehe*. But on a serious note he should burn.

I just remembered a guy I talked business with over the phone a few years ago. It became apparent to me that he was using the toilet as he was LOUD even as he talked normally. And then I heard the flush and I was tempted to ask (as he was talking to me the entire time), "Did you wipe?" Rofl

Best I didn't, he paid well for my garments and I probably didn't want to know the answer. :redface:

QueenOdi Wrote:So yeah.

Today was extremely busy at the beach, which means I had to cover the men's room. Okay, not a problem.

Just sweep the sand out and wipe down the sink counter...nope!

A man comes in, he looks narsty and not well put together, but I let him be, but why when he leaves and I come back to check on the bathroom...There's Fuckin Shit all over the floor!

Like, It was all solid and under the flappin toilet...under it! Did he friggin pop a squat and purposefully take a shit or did he slip and shit? Like what the hell?

So I had to quarantine the bloody area and clean and disinfect that shitty mess, cause it was narsty! And rank!

I immediately went into bitch-mode, which is rare, because that's not what I am paid to do, nor is it even friggin right in the first place.

I went looking for him, but his shitty ass must've took off, but when I came back, the only trash can was missing, which I later found in one of the shower stalls with shitty paper all in it! He must've took it to finish up!

Oh you know ms.Bitch came out and she weren't bout to play nonna dat!

Anywho, I couldn't find the man, but then this next guy comes in, some Asian man who spoke little English and tries to wash his feet in the sink! When clearly we have footbaths outside and Showers inside! Oh did I ever lay into him, that's narsty!

And it may seem rude or mean of me, but this happens so much, it becomes annoying!

Like, I get your on Vacation and the Bathrooms are free(which appearantly aren't in the states, as they frequently ask for a price), but don't go crazy hoe, cause someone else has got to clean up after you!

And this one Grandpa tried to give me Sass when I asked him politely to pick up a bottle he kicked, saw and stepped over... Oh no gurl, regardless of age, it's common courtesy to pick up trash, even if it isn't yours, unless you are physically unable...atleast, that's how it works here.

We are very proud people, so we're not trynna see someone litter or whatever, no Sis, I won't have it!

It was very crowded and busy and the combination got me agitated very quickly, especially when people kept trying to give me Sass or pretend not to hear me and walk away when I'm trying to make them aware of their slights!

Normally, I'm much more controlled, but today was Tits-crazy Sis, and these hoes mistook my kindness for weakness, but no hunny, I got a mouth and I will use it.

And I also have a few questions...

1) Why do People not pick up trash, even if it's not theirs?
Because they are not aware of nothing! And they like to live like pigs... Lol
2) Why do Men feel like they can pee everywhere, and it be okay?
Weell, not ALL the mans pee everywhere, but yeah that's kind of disgusting, because they don't wash their hands and later you have to shake their hands :# diiiisgusting. If i pee outside i HAVE to wash my hands. I'm kind of obssesed with the cleaness
3) This is a biggie! Why do people not wash their hands? That's flappin narsty!
If they don't wash their hands after peeing, i won't shake their hands anymore LOL it is disgusting! Other people have to touch your penis while shaking hands , eeew.
4) Why do people complain about Braids? (We have a lady who braids hair, but people often say: "Oh don't get braids, your hair is too pretty" or "you can't wash braids, don't get them" and I have to let people know you can wash braids, but they look at me like I'm flappin crazy!)
Weeell i really like when some of my friends use braids !it's nice. Smile
5) Why do you rush? You're on vacation Sis, take a chill pill and sit your bucoochie in a tall glass of cold water!

I just don't get it.

At the Aquarium, everything is so neat and proper(on the human side), but at the Beach, bitches inhibitions be hittin the floor along with their clothes like they was on fire.

I love working at the beach, but the bathroom portion is so gross and narsty...It drives me straight up and down the wall, especially because I love cleanliness and pretty organized things, so it's like a contradiction for me.

My life gurl... I need to get some, cause these hoes done sapped it all up! And I have no days off? Pray to the Divine Tree for my Gay ass essence!


I love the way you type! Hahaha is so Sisterhood Tongue it makes me laugh so much , and for the way you type i can say you're a really fun person Tongue
And about your stories. Yep.
Preetty disgusting! Those mans are crazy and they're so freaking gross, all your acts were fine Tongue

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