So I met up with guy about two weeks ago, things went really well but we had this awkwardness. We made out and grinded and that was about it sex wise. He had a problem with me being seventeen and him being three years older(legal in Oregon), but I got my mom's permission for him and he said that made him feel a lot better, so we decided to continue seeing each other .Then last week we hung out again and ended up having sex at his house, right after that we didn't have that tension anymore and I felt that the rest of the day with him was perfect. He kept hinting at how we'd be a good couple and stuff and we kissed a lot and cuddled, we even fell asleep at the park holding each other.
We haven't really talked for about four or five days. We usually talk over facebook, but when I've sent him a message it says it was read but he never replies. He got a new phone(one of the last things we talked about) and hasn't bothered trying to contact me with it, and I just feel like this kind of sucks. I like him and every time I find a guy I'm actually physically and mentally and emotionally attracted to, it never really lasts more than two dates(tops). So what should I do? Should I message him? What should I say?
Sorry to say this but it's pretty obvious he just used you for sex. Move on, he's not worth it.
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Sorry to say it but I agree also with Sebasx00. Unfortunately there are many guys like that out there. Wonderful that you have such an understanding mum.
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Sorry I agree with these guys. But to put your mind at easy send him a message and see if he wants to meet up then you will know for sure.
An eye for an eye
I agree with previous posters, sounds to me he was only looking to put another notch in his bedpost - conquer and add you as a trophy to his sexual exploits.
Few guys appear to be 100% honest about this, and appear to be more than willing to string a guy along to get in the pants.
To prevent this sort of thing from happening, I developed the 30 day no sex policy which has served me pretty well.
I tell them upfront that I'm looking for potential mates not just random sex, and I explain to them we may kiss (a little) cuddle a bit, hug a bit but as for sex - not until we get to know each other a bit. If they are looking for 'just sex' they usually will bow out when you mention the 30 days no sex.
It is not 100% proof against the more persistent ones who look at you as a 'must have trophy' and/or a 'must have' notch on their bedpost - but that 30 days will give you time to date, talk and get a better idea of what they are about thus you can reduce the likelihood of being taken advantage of.
If you are seriously looking for a mate, then you will want your mate to not look at you as only a sex object, and if they are sincere about a relationship, they will think your policy of the first 30 days spent in activities to get to know one another as a person.
If you want 'just sex' then have fun, just understand that if you hook-up with guys who also want 'just sex' they are not going to magically fall in love and change their minds. While it can happen, it usually doesn't.
You may want to think up of 2-3 other 'this is essential' guides to apply to the dating/relationship thing such as 'no violence' (abuse), no cheating (if you are into monogamy). Things that are very important to you, these can be brought up at the same time.
Feel no shame for having 3-4 hard rules to live by, and yes you will set yourself up for rejection, but you will only be rejected by guys who have no real interest in your needs as a person and they won't make for good partners.