I didn't sleep around until my 30's, and then that was only 2 one night stands to see if my attitude had changed on the whole Relationship Vs Promiscuity thing. Nope, I'm hardwired to enjoy sex inside a relationship - I need structure I suppose.

Prior to that I was only in it for relationships. And I was in 'short term' relationships, 2 years, 11 months, 2 year... 6 relationships, 8 sex partners - that is practically virginity in this modern day and age.:eek:
If you don't feel a
need to go out and sow wild oats, that's perfectly fine. If you need a relationship to be satisfied with sex, or something along those lines, then stick to your needs.
However be a bit realistic, you are in your 20's - the things we think we know about the world at age 20 are often very much different about what we have learned by age 30. People do a lot of changing in their 20's, finding out who they are, what they want in life. thus a relationship started in your early 20's may not fit your needs in your early 30's.
A relationship started today or next year may actually end up going south in a few years simply because you and your partner are still on the seriously steep learning curve part of your first decade as an adult.
I will confess there are a
few opportunities I now regret not taking. I didn't take risks when it came to matters of love as often as I may most likely should have. I think Bradley is my biggest regret.....
So do keep your options open, don't get dead set on marrying for life, or finding 'Mr. Right' right off the bat. And don't go hog wild and do every guy that walks into your life either if that is not your cup of tea. Find that middle ground that works best for you.
I do strongly suggest you party -
a little, and explore the world - a lot. Do get drunk enough to do something stupid at least once, but not hundreds of times a year. Do have a bit of fun and enjoy your youthful body before it betrays you and starts complaining if you stay up past midnight.
So some wild oats... just to see if you like wild oats.