Dan1089 Wrote:
POT?!Are you advocating for drugs?
Not exactly advocating but if one is going to alter their natural state of mind and body and had multiple choices then I would definitely chose cannabis.
As I said, I survived Hep C but not doing that great after the treatment... I do know what alcohol does to the body and mind = it does amaze me that the stuff is legal.
The first thing I was told to do was stop ALL alcohol by my Hep C doc. I told him I usually only had a beer or two per week. He said STOP ALL ALCOHOL!
I asked him about other substances such as coffee, meats, sweets, and pot. He clearly said all were fine in moderation. More than one doc told me a little pot was NO problem!
Hell, even in this conservative country (USA), there are a number of states that recognize medical marijuana! Marijuana has been used for centuries to treat certain medical issues successfully.
One thing I learned about anything you put into your body is the more processed it is the worse it is for you.
Quote:Vodka is one of the world's most popular distilled beverages. It is a clear liquid containing water and ethanol purified by distillation from a fermented substance such as potatoes, grain or sugar beet molasses, and an insignificant amount of other substances: impurities and possibly flavourings.
pretty far from the lovely potato