Nick9 Wrote:Ardus, you may be right. I'll ask around who can slap my ass. Oh... that was not what you meant, was it? 
Mum, my BP is ok, my sugar too, I just need pills for too fast heart beat. I guess it has something to do with the severe anemia.
When I look at examples of menus made by nutritionists, I always give up under the weight of so much food. Maybe if I could find someone who will take it slowly, it would be easier.
Anemia, high heart rate, dizziness and poor diet is a good reason to see doctor.
I was talking to Danny and even that idiot child was able to jump to the conclusion of dizziness while standing - I got so far as 'and he says that he can't stand to cook because....' Danny interjected with 'He gets dizzy!'
BP is variable - I have low blood pressure 'normally' I can go to a doctor at any time and they will say 'oh its a little low, no big problem' - but it is a big problem when I am not at doctor and my BP plummets to the point where I see black spots and get a bit unsteady - its a bigger problem when I stand up and wake up laying on the floor... over the coffee table or whatever I happen to land on as I pass out.
Blood sugar is also variable. One's blood sugar is lowest in the morning before breakfast and highest after a meal. As i have recently discovered 'hunger' is not defined by the symptoms of hypoglycemia....
I can't believe that you will lecture me in PM's for being a wee bit tired and anemic and for not eating while you yourself are doing it. What is this Do as Nick says week not as Nick does?
Why do you feel justified in telling me to go see a doctor over and over again while you yourself refuse to go? What is that thing called - hypocrisy?
You and I are on the same page here Nick, poor diet and health issues that become worse if we don't eat or eat properly.
Yes people are going to nag you, because they are concerned. If you have people telling you 'you are too thin', 'you look sickly' it is really time to sit down with a doctor and start addressing things.
IDK how its done in the Czech R. In the states one goes to their primary care physician who refers you to specialists. In this case you need a nutritionist/dietician.
With your fast heart rate and taking pills for it, your thyroid problem and whatever else that may ail you you may need a special diet which any advise I give you based on
my nutritional needs may end up killing you or aggravating preexisting conditions.
You also may need a full blood workup, Liver Panel, CBC (complete blood count) and electrolyte and salts and sugars and vitamins and minerals and all of that stuff to see where you are.
A nutritionist will help you to stream line your diet to meet your particular needs. Based on your blood chemistry and whatever it is you are lacking.
If you pass out at work or on the way to work one day because your not eating you will wake up with EMT surrounding you and they will take you to hospital and then it will be out of your hands.
Take a preemptive approach here and go to your doctor and you can maintain some control over what happens. If the day comes you are sent to the ER you may end up being committed to the psych ward and end up with a tube through the nose and down the gullet.
I don't know the laws of the Czech R, in the states a doctor can slap a three day hold on you sending you to the psych ward and once that happens they can keep you a virtual prisoner by slapping more holds on you for days, weeks, months and sometimes years.