07-26-2013, 08:03 PM
TKC Wrote:I'm actually a little shocked and disgusted that there's so much judgment and damnation for what two consenting adults do. Especially in a GAY FORUM where people commiserate about the judgment and damnation we receive from others as well as commune about other everyday aspects of life.
Do we not see where we're saying the exact same thing as every other fundamentalist group? "What you do in your bedroom totally affects me, and you shouldn't be allowed to do it, ever, because it's a sin, and it's wrong, and you're going to hell?" Seriously? Haven't we all heard this? I'm not saying we should add another letter to the big gay alphabet (GLBTQI...) - and besides T and I are already both taken - but how can we expect equality, respect, and fair treatment from people who don't like what's going on between us and another consenting adult if we're all gung-ho about judging others for the same reasons we're judged?
Really?!? Not cool.
Do... do we make out now?