Of course it's not necessary, and I don't think it's professional to blurt out personal details. In some cases it's best for everyone if they don't know. Even if the people at work don't care the customers might which could force retaliation of sorts (nothing personal, it's just biz, and why did you have to make everyone know in the first place costing the biz money?).
The only way I'd see it as relevant is if like you were expected to attend functions in which you're expected to bring partners (especially as some people can look down on people who never seem to have a partner even more than for being gay).
It's definitely not necessary.
Depends what sort job your working at. Most people know I'am, but thats because the subject came up. I also have had almost 2 years getting to know everyone. You don't need to billboard it by any means though.
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Everyone where I work knows I am gay. But I told them because I choose to. Your personal life is your business and you don't have to tell work colleagues if you don't want to.
An eye for an eye
Thanks for the replies,
A friend once said, "Don't shit where you eat." Pretty much don't bring personal stuff to where you earn your living.
stpdo2 met a couple of coworkers of mine, and one directly asked me what he was to me...the only answer I could give was, "He's mine."
No, I don't really think it is necessary to come out at work.
Have a lot of interaction with co workers, tell them your gay
Keep by your self than its optional
Does your partner visit you at work, give him a big gay kiss in the lobby and be done with it. Put his picture out on your desk. Solves an lot of issues.
I think it's necessary to come out at work if it's something you think you need to do. I felt the need to come out at work, so I told a few of my coworkers and left it at that. Why did I tell them? It was part of the coming out process for me. By telling them who I was I was admitting to myself who I am. No more hiding in the closet as the saying goes. I didn't expect them to do anything different and they didn't. However it was a huge milestone for myself and it felt like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. No more hiding who I was or the need to pretend to be interested when some guy is talking about a "hot" lady.
So I say come out if you feel the need to do so. If you are comfortable keeping it to yourself, then do that. There is no wrong answer here in my opinion.