08-15-2013, 04:29 AM
Sylph Wrote:Nah babes...Dat ain't got nuffin on a String Instrument, we are the most versatile, romantic and voice like among the groups, not to mention we look prettier :p and more sophisticated lol.
Just joking but...Violas & Cellos Rule ;3 . Viva La Vida of Strings! :p
You can Bow to my Bow , no fighting necessary :p
I ain't bow to nobody or their bow or their puns :biggrin:
For the same reason that it is inadvisable to drop your soap in the prison showers.
Tho I did play a duet with my friend today, cello an' piano, is was pretty fun. But don't get any funny ideas!
Organs still rule. And I mean pipe organs, not......oh god just forget it.