09-02-2013, 02:56 PM
Hi guys I could sort of do with some relationship advice. I met my boyfriend when I just started my first year of uni and it was the best thing that could've happend to me. I was in a completely new place, living away from my family for the first time, and meeting someone new like that was just what I needed. Me and my boyfriend will have been together for a year at the end of this month and lately he's admitted that he doesn't get any enjoyment out of sex. I find this really sad and for a while I've been trying to make things better but he just says he prefers cuddles. I like cuddles as much as the next man but I also quite like sex, and I've been having real trouble enjoying it at all knowing that it's a chore for him. We do it about once a week and he's always putting it off. Last night I sort of lost it and was just like if you don't like it at all then what's the point? And he got so upset I had to take it all back. I just met him for lunch and he's still in a bad way - he was so teary and kept saying that he feels like he's holding me back, and I feel like such a terrible person
it's weird cause for a while he had a porn addiction and would watch it in secret when I wasn't around, but we put a stop to it and now he only watches it occasionally, and before we met he slept with a lot of people. He blames his low sex drive on the fact that he didn't loose his virginity until he was 21 but I don't know.. I just don't know what to do really I can't help wanting it and he can't help not wanting it
what should I do? I don't want us to break up because I love him and thinking of leaving him is really upsetting. I try to subdue my urges through porn but it's not the same as sleeping with someone you love