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Overberg Fire - Burned Houses Victims Fund
if anyone can help please contact me

This is a good friend of mine's brother and his wife. They are a young couple who have just started out in life - and lived in a wonderful cottage on the Overberg. Recently, strong stormwinds blew down the Eskom lines and caused the Overberg fires that was reported all over. They were uninsured, and all that's left are three cups.

Please see if you can help by donating money into the account (I am going to) and help these young people.

Paartjie verloor alles in brand
Rozanne els
06/05/2008 10:46:48 PM - (SA)
BETTYSBAAI. – “Ons het niks nie. Net die klere aan ons lyf en vir Stevie.”
Met Stevie, haar Indiese ringnek-papegaai op haar skouer, vertel me. Shani Lötter en mnr. Nicky Joone van die verwoestende brand wat gisteroggend vroeg hul huis en ál hul besittings in Bettysbaai vernietig het.
Hulle lyk moeg waar hulle op die sitkamerbank in Joone se ouerhuis sit.
“Die hele berg het gelyk soos een massiewe kool wat brand,” het Joone die toneel beskryf.
Dié brand het ontstaan nadat ’n Eskom-kragkabel deur die stormsterk wind losgeruk is, het mnr. Reinhardt Geldenhuys, hoof van die brand-en-reddingsafdeling in die Overberg, gesê.
Die betrokke kabel is sowat 200 m van die agterkant van Lötter en Joone se huis teen die berg.
Gister het hulle, met Stevie wat van een skouer na die ander hop, probeer om hul humorsin ná dié traumatiese ervaring te behou.
“Ons het klaar gehuil, dis hoekom ons nou lag.”
Lötter glo haar jare lange vrees vir sterk wind het hulle waarskynlik gehelp om aan die vlamme te ontkom.
Lötter en Joone het omstreeks 00:15 gereed gemaak om te gaan slaap, maar die huilende wind het haar wakker gehou.
Selfs Joone se suswoorde dat “die wind jou niks kan maak nie” kon haar nie rustig kry nie en sy het hul tekkies langs die bed geplaas.
Oomblikke voordat sy in die bed sou klim, het sy ’n geweldige slag gehoor.
“Die hele huis het eers blou geword en toe heeltemal oranje. Ons het net ons tekkies, die karsleutels en vir Stevie gegryp. Dit het ons 15 sekondes geneem om uit die huis te kom.”
Verslae het hulle in hul motor gespring en na Joone se ouers gejaag.
“Byna onmiddellik is die hele huis deur vlamme omsingel,” het Joone gesê.
Lötter het eerste vir Stevie gegryp, “want hy is soos my kind”.
Nóg Lötter nóg Joone het versekering.
Joone se suster, me. Maureen Enever, het deur die loop van die oggend na die huis gaan kyk om te sien wat te redde is.
Ál hul besittings was egter gesmelt en slegs drie antieke teekoppies van Lötter se ouma is uit die smeulende oorblyfsels van die huis gered.


My friend, Richard Joone is his brother, and his details are as follows.. I have also made him an Admin.

Rek Naam: R. Joone
Rek No.: 62109802787
Tak: Hermanus
Tak Kode: 250 655
Rek: Spaar

my kontak besonderhede is

Cell: 0820455000
Werk: 028 272 9500 (Blue Energy Radio Alarms)
Ek werk maandag tot vrydag 08:00 tot 19:00
my email: [email protected]


If you can not donate money, please invite your friends to the group - and think of other ways of help, eg. clothes, neccesities and household goods. You can contact Richard directly to arrange for delivery.

Your help is appreciated - if we are in need, we expect help. This is need.

Absolutely terrible.Only me,I think it's better if you translate the article from Afrikaans for these English boys.Oh and will do.

Dan1089 Wrote:Absolutely terrible.Only me,I think it's better if you translate the article from Afrikaans for these English boys.Oh and will do.
thnx dan i will translate the articke and post it in here. if you want to see the photos let me know and i will email them to you

I have added the english article for the english members of gayspeak below.
Please help them to pick up the pieces and re build their lives.

This is a good friend of mine's brother and his wife. They are a young couple who have just started out in life - and lived in a wonderful cottage on the Overberg. Recently, strong stormwinds blew down the Eskom lines and caused the Overberg fires that was reported all over. They were uninsured, and all that's left are three cups.
Please see if you can help by donating money into the account (I am going to) and help these young people.

Article on News24.com

Rozanne Els, Die Burger
Betty's Bay - "We have nothing."
"Just the clothes we're wearing and Stevie."
Shani Lötter, with her Indian Ringneck Parakeet Stevie on her shoulder, and Nicky Joone told how a fire destroyed their Betty's Bay home and all their possessions early on Tuesday morning.
Sitting on a couch in Joone's parents' home, the couple looked tired.
"The whole mountain looked like a massive, burning coal," Joone said.
The fire started after an Eskom power cable was ripped loose by a strong wind, said the head of the Overberg's Department of Fire and Rescue Services Reinhardt Geldenhuys.
The cable was about 200m from the back of Lötter and Joone's home on the mountain slope. On Tuesday, they tried not to lose their sense of humour after the traumatic experience. Stevie kept hopping from one shoulder to the other.
"We've finished crying, that's why we are laughing now." Lötter believed her long-standing fear of strong winds probably had helped them to escape the flames. Lötter and Joone got ready for bed at about 00:15 but the howling wind kept Lötter awake. Even Joone's soothing words that "the wind can't do anything to you" couldn't calm her down and she put their takkies next to the bed.
Moments before she wanted to climb into bed, she heard an almighty bang. "The whole house first went blue and then completely orange. We just grabbed our takkies, the car keys and Stevie." "It took us 15 seconds to get out of the house."
Stunned they jumped in their car and rushed to Joone's parents. "Almost immediately the whole house was surrounded by flames," Joone said. Lötter grabbed Stevie first, "because he's like a child to me". Neither Lötter nor Joone had insurance. Joone's sister Maureen Enever went to the house on Tuesday morning to see what could be saved. All their possessions had melted, however, and only three antique teacups from Lötter's grandmother could be saved from the house's smouldering remnants.
My friend, Richard Joone is his brother, and his details are as follows.. I have also made him an Admin.

First National Bank (FNB)
Account Name: R. Joone
Account No.: 62109802787
Branch: Hermanus
Branck Code: 250 655
Account type: Savings

My contact details are:

Cell: 0820455000
Work: 028 272 9500 (Blue Energy Radio Alarms)
Im at the office Mon-Fri 08:00 tot 19:00
my email: [email protected]


If you can not donate money, please invite your friends to the group - and think of other ways of help, eg. clothes, neccesities and household goods. You can contact Richard directly to arrange for delivery.

Your help is appreciated - if we are in need, we expect help. This is need.

only me Wrote:thnx dan i will translate the articke and post it in here. if you want to see the photos let me know and i will email them to you
i posted the english article and some photos on the members gallery just waiting for moderator to ok it.

Quote:The fire started after an Eskom power cable was ripped loose by a strong wind, said the head of the Overberg's Department of Fire and Rescue Services Reinhardt Geldenhuys.

I take it Eskom is the electricity provider in SA and i am assuming these bastards are only there to collect the bill but dont compensate for this disaster? Typical isnt it.

How bad, i personally cant help (i am pretty much broke ) but i hope they find the help they need.

spotysocks Wrote:I take it Eskom is the electricity provider in SA and i am assuming these bastards are only there to collect the bill but dont compensate for this disaster? Typical isnt it.

How bad, i personally cant help (i am pretty much broke ) but i hope they find the help they need.
yeah you are right where eskom is concerned. they cannot take blame for the gale force winds, so they say... thanks man just do me a favour and include them in your prayers, that will be as good as a donation of a miljoen rand.

Donations update
We just recieved R400 from the members of Glamorouse Life oline forum.
Big thanx to those members.
We still have a long way to go but thats a start.
Love you guys.

Saddest news.

I wish that I could help but am on disability myself.

They will be in my hopes that all will go well for them everyday from now on.

OM, you are a good guy to help your friends.

fjp999 Wrote:Saddest news.

I wish that I could help but am on disability myself.

They will be in my hopes that all will go well for them everyday from now on.

OM, you are a good guy to help your friends.
thank you fjp999 your preyers are highly appreciated

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