VileKyle Wrote:We get it, partisan. You hate Muslims. Don't turn this into another hate thread.
Excuse me? Did you read my post, sorry if you cant seperate hate from truth. Im not turning this into anything. But thanks
MisterTinkles Wrote:Everything you just said
So what does that have to do with wearing veils?
tavi Wrote:Excuse me? Did you read my post, sorry if you cant seperate hate from truth. Im not turning this into anything. But thanks
I did read what you said. Like Tinkles, you are spewing hatred and intolerance towards Muslims instead of stating why there is anything wrong with a veil. Your "facts" are very biased and opinion-based as well. You need to figure out what makes up a fact.
This thread is not about why you can't stand a culture other than your own. It's about veils. Don't deviate to prove an unrelated point.
VileKyle Wrote:So what does that have to do with wearing veils?
Yes, I got off the main point. I admit it.
The underlying suggestion is that if you are moving to Britain, then you adopt British ways, you dont shove your OLD countries ways down the new countries throat.
Common sense would indicate that is why these women are moving to "free" countries, so they dont have to be "living mummies". But I guess they arent, since they still dress like that.
You can spank me later.
MisterTinkles Wrote:Yes, I got off the main point. I admit it.
The underlying suggestion is that if you are moving to Britain, then you adopt British ways, you dont shove your OLD countries ways down the new countries throat.
Common sense would indicate that is why these women are moving to "free" countries, so they dont have to be "living mummies". But I guess they arent, since they still dress like that.
Sure, I see that point. But culture is also a part of who someone is. It lies deep within them, and moving to a new area does not take it away. You should adapt in some ways when you move to function in a new country, but some parts of culture do not go away. And "living mummies" is just how we see it from our culture. To them, it has an entirely different meaning. That's why you aren't a part of their culture. They are choosing to do it themselves without forcing you do participate, so I really see no issue with it. Its non-invasive and not harmful in itself.
MisterTinkles Wrote:You can spank me later.

I'll spank you right now, you rascal!
VileKyle Wrote:I did read what you said. Like Tinkles, you are spewing hatred and intolerance towards Muslims instead of stating why there is anything wrong with a veil. Your "facts" are very biased and opinion-based as well. You need to figure out what makes up a fact.
This thread is not about why you can't stand a culture other than your own. It's about veils. Don't deviate to prove an unrelated point.
Why did i say i cant stand a culture, were talking about veils in the uk, yes i hate them as much as islam extremism, i didnt deviate from the point any more than anyone else and all your another fact hag eh, ive got a big toe, fact. Im not gonna back down anytime someone yells hate or race. Its about the uk, why should we even be talking about things muslim in the uk, its the uk and should remain that way, but i give up talking on here about it when people dont address the points just yell hate, or facts, facts, facts, why dont you find them yourselves. Im staying far away from this subject now and probably gayspeak all together, im speaking from the heart, experience, what ive seen, read, people ive spoken too and how in my lifetime how ive seen things changed.... spank me!
tavi Wrote:Why did i say i cant stand a culture, were talking about veils in the uk, yes i hate them as much as islam extremism, i didnt deviate from the point any more than anyone else and all your another fact hag eh, ive walked around london, fact. Im not gonna back down anytime someone yells hate or race. Its about the uk, why should we even be talking about things muslim in the uk, its the uk and should remain that way, but i give up talking on here about it when people dont address the points just yell hate, or facts, facts, facts, why dont you find them yourselves. Im staying far away from this subject now and probably gayspeak all together, im speaking from experience, what ive seen, read, people ive spoken too and how in my lifetime how ive seen things changed.... spank me!
Now you're just getting angry. Let's talk about veils now, and not how Muslims should leave your country. Yet again, that isn't the point here. Racism has no place in a debate like this.
Also, bye if you really are leaving. I won't miss your intolerance.
dryw Wrote:Oh boy you sound so angry and full of hate that the most racist article I've read in a long time
No, I love my friends from other countries.
But I do hate those who come over here telling ME how I should be living by THEIR countries standards, laws, and beliefs, when THEY are the ones who moved over to MY country.
If they don't like it here, then WHY the hell did the come here? They need to be thrown back where they came from. Nobody asked them to come here and insult me, my ways, or my beliefs, and its NOT wanted or desired. It is offensive and hateful.
tavi Wrote:Lol, screaming race again when no ones mentioned race, I see your just trying to get me angry, how long before you take a select bit and use it in your signature like you did with dfiant you stupid prat.
Your missed my last post altogether, you didnt read it, just what u want to hear, go on shout RACE and HATE again, your dumb, blind and stupid and have no say in anything
G'bye then. Got it before you retracted it. Insults are very unbecoming of you.
VileKyle Wrote:G'bye then

Knob mate, thats what you are, u got no say on the uk, you joker, im not going so piss off you sad twat