10-13-2013, 04:47 PM
This is immoral and should be sanctioned....
Morality... One of those things that never change and is a reasonable argument against all manner of things.
I can sympathize with someone who was born with homosexuality AS LONG AS .......
Homosexuality is wrong, its a very small group of people that are effectively fighting for their own rights to seek sexual gratification in an immoral manner.
1. Is some kind of mental or psychological disease, these men need to be treated by doctors, not judged from some inquisitor. Every case is different, obviously. Every homosexual needs help.
Yes I changed Pedo with Homo - however these arguments are very, very reminiscent of the bad old days when LGBT were 'treated' for their 'sickness' with things like institutionalization, and being treated to electroshock therapy. Hell I can point you to forums that discuss us LGBT with the same arguments being presented here.
So I can understand why so many confuse pedastry with homosexuality, because the arguments against it are pretty much the same thing.
I think we will do well to steer clear of morality and making judgment calls about the mental/emotional well-being of other individuals since so many consider us sicko/perverts who are clearly immoral and unnatural and lots of other things.
I have a pretty clear definition between abuse and love. This is due to personal experiences. I do not condone abuse. It is a subject I dislike talking about or thinking about.
However, much of human history points at the fact that older being with the young is pretty typically of the human species.
Until the mid 20th century it was common - very common, for an older man (30-50) to marry a teenaged girl (13, 14, 15) No one batted an eye at that. Even marriage with younger girls took place - an not one appeared to mind. It still takes place in many countries and cultures today.
Greek and Roman cultures had pederasty, it was open and consensual and no one fainted over the idea of an older man having sex with a boy. It was acceptable - no not just accepted, it was often expected and applauded at since it was considered a normal, and needed situation for a boy to grow up to be a man.
Yes for 2000 years society has had a problem with man-boy love - the problem wasn't the age the difference the problem was gender. homosexuality, as we all know is morally reprehensible and since morals never change, we cannot accept such sickness in our society.
Considering how many late teen/early 20 something (so they claim, I wonder at their real ages) are pursing me and my few adverts that I have placed out there, clearly there are youth who want to be with an old man 'that way'.
From the threads placed here where people are asking if a 20-30 year difference is a 'problem' and by how many of our members say 'oh now, age is not an issue' it appears there is an acceptance of youth being with old.
How much of our distaste over a 13 year old being with a 30 year old is based on the programing society gives us over general 'human nature' is a hard call to make. We are beaten over the head with high level cases and all of this constant talk about the subject that I seriously doubt anyone has a 'natural' unbiased view on the subject.
Considering all the tales of youth lying through their teeth about their age to pass the age of consent laws to be with an old person - clearly this desire is a two way street.
Not too long ago a 30 something year old came on the board telling us a 16 year old lied saying he was 18 and suddenly now that we have this new 'fact' we can't handle the age difference. This wasn't molestation, this wasn't an older guy knowingly pursing a child, this was a child who knowingly lied to place himself in the 'safe zone' to be with an older man.
BTW This little lie is what makes me wonder at the real age of some of the replies I have gotten to my ads - They look a wee bit younger than their claimed ages of 18, 19, 20.... How common is this really?
Yes abuse takes place - I know that from personal experience, however there is the flip side where there are (as much as this idea may offend us) young "children" who actively pursue adults.
Way too often we hear tales of men (20-30 year olds) being 'hoodwinked' by a 13, 14, 15, 16 year old girl who matured physically pretty early and uses make-up effectively. His real crime? he failed to ask for ID.
From the pms and emails and talks I have had with kids (early to mid teens) I get a strong indication that a lot of teens desire nothing more than to be with an adult. Why? I have no idea. It exists and too many 'teens' don't want to openly talk about their feelings on this matter.
They don't admit it publicly because of the shame attached to the situation. Many do not pursue it due to the fear of ridicule. I have been asked way too many times 'Does this make me abnormal/crazy/sick/etc.' when a kid confesses his interest in older guys.
I have been to other forums where 'children' are terrified that their lover (a legal adult) is in trouble for being with them and they all claim the same thing: I love my BF/GF soo much.... These situations are not contrived, abusive, coerced.
So not only are there older people seeking youth, there are youth seeking older people.
Why? I have no idea - you humans confuse me. Is it 'right' or 'wrong' - I think that is a very hard call to make and we need to consider that individual humans are very unique, the needs of one is often not the needs of another.
Again I'm not talking about abusive situations.
I think in our mad rush to protect from abuse we are trying to bury the needs of individuals and set a standard which mayn't apply to all (both young and old). I suspect that many humans are hardwired to be attracted to youth. It most likely served a purpose in our evolution. I think humans may be hardwired for a certain attraction to the old. Especially in homosexual men where there is a lot of 'Daddy/Son' type relationships.
If it is hardwired and if it served a purpose in the survival of the species, then it is not a sickness nor a perversion it is actually 'normal' behavior and instead of trying to force ourselves to change to meet these 'moral codes' we need to face up to the fact that humans are what they are.
I'm not suggesting that we suddenly set the age of consent to age 4 either.
Morality... One of those things that never change and is a reasonable argument against all manner of things.

I can sympathize with someone who was born with homosexuality AS LONG AS .......
Homosexuality is wrong, its a very small group of people that are effectively fighting for their own rights to seek sexual gratification in an immoral manner.
1. Is some kind of mental or psychological disease, these men need to be treated by doctors, not judged from some inquisitor. Every case is different, obviously. Every homosexual needs help.
Yes I changed Pedo with Homo - however these arguments are very, very reminiscent of the bad old days when LGBT were 'treated' for their 'sickness' with things like institutionalization, and being treated to electroshock therapy. Hell I can point you to forums that discuss us LGBT with the same arguments being presented here.
So I can understand why so many confuse pedastry with homosexuality, because the arguments against it are pretty much the same thing.
I think we will do well to steer clear of morality and making judgment calls about the mental/emotional well-being of other individuals since so many consider us sicko/perverts who are clearly immoral and unnatural and lots of other things.
I have a pretty clear definition between abuse and love. This is due to personal experiences. I do not condone abuse. It is a subject I dislike talking about or thinking about.
However, much of human history points at the fact that older being with the young is pretty typically of the human species.
Until the mid 20th century it was common - very common, for an older man (30-50) to marry a teenaged girl (13, 14, 15) No one batted an eye at that. Even marriage with younger girls took place - an not one appeared to mind. It still takes place in many countries and cultures today.
Greek and Roman cultures had pederasty, it was open and consensual and no one fainted over the idea of an older man having sex with a boy. It was acceptable - no not just accepted, it was often expected and applauded at since it was considered a normal, and needed situation for a boy to grow up to be a man.
Yes for 2000 years society has had a problem with man-boy love - the problem wasn't the age the difference the problem was gender. homosexuality, as we all know is morally reprehensible and since morals never change, we cannot accept such sickness in our society.

Considering how many late teen/early 20 something (so they claim, I wonder at their real ages) are pursing me and my few adverts that I have placed out there, clearly there are youth who want to be with an old man 'that way'.
From the threads placed here where people are asking if a 20-30 year difference is a 'problem' and by how many of our members say 'oh now, age is not an issue' it appears there is an acceptance of youth being with old.
How much of our distaste over a 13 year old being with a 30 year old is based on the programing society gives us over general 'human nature' is a hard call to make. We are beaten over the head with high level cases and all of this constant talk about the subject that I seriously doubt anyone has a 'natural' unbiased view on the subject.
Considering all the tales of youth lying through their teeth about their age to pass the age of consent laws to be with an old person - clearly this desire is a two way street.
Not too long ago a 30 something year old came on the board telling us a 16 year old lied saying he was 18 and suddenly now that we have this new 'fact' we can't handle the age difference. This wasn't molestation, this wasn't an older guy knowingly pursing a child, this was a child who knowingly lied to place himself in the 'safe zone' to be with an older man.
BTW This little lie is what makes me wonder at the real age of some of the replies I have gotten to my ads - They look a wee bit younger than their claimed ages of 18, 19, 20.... How common is this really?
Yes abuse takes place - I know that from personal experience, however there is the flip side where there are (as much as this idea may offend us) young "children" who actively pursue adults.
Way too often we hear tales of men (20-30 year olds) being 'hoodwinked' by a 13, 14, 15, 16 year old girl who matured physically pretty early and uses make-up effectively. His real crime? he failed to ask for ID.
From the pms and emails and talks I have had with kids (early to mid teens) I get a strong indication that a lot of teens desire nothing more than to be with an adult. Why? I have no idea. It exists and too many 'teens' don't want to openly talk about their feelings on this matter.
They don't admit it publicly because of the shame attached to the situation. Many do not pursue it due to the fear of ridicule. I have been asked way too many times 'Does this make me abnormal/crazy/sick/etc.' when a kid confesses his interest in older guys.
I have been to other forums where 'children' are terrified that their lover (a legal adult) is in trouble for being with them and they all claim the same thing: I love my BF/GF soo much.... These situations are not contrived, abusive, coerced.
So not only are there older people seeking youth, there are youth seeking older people.
Why? I have no idea - you humans confuse me. Is it 'right' or 'wrong' - I think that is a very hard call to make and we need to consider that individual humans are very unique, the needs of one is often not the needs of another.
Again I'm not talking about abusive situations.
I think in our mad rush to protect from abuse we are trying to bury the needs of individuals and set a standard which mayn't apply to all (both young and old). I suspect that many humans are hardwired to be attracted to youth. It most likely served a purpose in our evolution. I think humans may be hardwired for a certain attraction to the old. Especially in homosexual men where there is a lot of 'Daddy/Son' type relationships.
If it is hardwired and if it served a purpose in the survival of the species, then it is not a sickness nor a perversion it is actually 'normal' behavior and instead of trying to force ourselves to change to meet these 'moral codes' we need to face up to the fact that humans are what they are.
I'm not suggesting that we suddenly set the age of consent to age 4 either.