Well, the only flaw I have I wish to correct, is my Lisp.
Because its something I can't control and I suppose that ties into my other flaw which I think actually serves a purpose, is my Controlling or Domineering Side.
I don't like to control people or anything, but since young, I have felt uncomfortable if I was not in control, whether it be my emotions or whatever.
And I tend to like or respect people who can "Take Control" if you will. Odd I know, but there you go.
:p Odi's Flaws-101
But I do not limit myself by them by any means, so I don't consider them debilitating or anything.
Flaws of Miles:
Cowardice, impulsiveness, drunkenness, inconsistency of principle, pretension, laziness, self-absorption, apathy, unhumility and inhumanity.
Procrastination. Intellectual Laziness. Always waiting for others to make the first move in any situation. Complains about being lonely... never makes an effort to meet people. Desperate for change and excitement but terrified to look for either. Sometimes I disconnect myself completely from those who care about me because I secretly want to wallow in self pity... that's the big one, self-pity. It's a constant battle.
And uhm... sometimes my elbow makes this clicking noise. It's kind of irritating.
There's a whole bunch more, but the internet only has so much space.
Could be a show off.
Really random
Too spontaneous
Too carefree
when I'm stressed and someone suddenly asks me allot of questions where there is no need to lie i start lying, i have no idea why but it gets me in trouble sometimes =[
Gosh, I've got thousandthousandthousandthousands of flaws, so...
But I always try to manage them and maybe this is another flaw... LOL
Only two:
About myself:
I'm not able to find a reason to do things, important things, only for myself. This is an heritage of my bad past life. I spent some years to learn how to manage this flaw, I'm still not able to control it at 100% and sometimes(rarely now) I completely lose the control.
This is a problem for me but can became a problem for others...
About others:
I'm not chatty, I cannot stand talking about weather, 'how are you today?' etc. I need to talk about something that interest me or it's a little brainy at less. I consider things like friend's problems are interesting cause I care about my friends. But If the problem is too silly (see...) you can ask for help to someone less complicated than me. XD
I don't stand my ground nearly as much as I would like and so I often find myself being steamrolled into doing something I don't agree with.
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Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Indiferrence, need I say more, Jim