Gosh, what a crappy thing, it reminds me something but luckily I cannot focus 'what'...
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
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When you find the "perfect" man,,,, let me know. Ain't no relationship perfect until both parties have reach old age - at which point your too old to argue or do anything other than eye ball the cuties from afar.
The only guaranteed reward for making a relationship last thru the ages, is you have an old fart next to you to share what's left of your lives.
The sex may disappear, and the love may mellow into non-existence, but the companionship last until the last breath. (or the last bad breath if it's a killer stinky smell)
Well the sex ended in year 3 of that relationship, so I spent the last 12 years thinking that we were both not having sex. I was wrong. He claimed that it was because he is HIV positive and he didn't want to infect me. His status turned from negative to positive after the first cheating with a pos person while he was tweaking.
But apparently its perfectly ok to put out personal ads claiming to be disease and drug free in order to spread the love or the virus.
I know what you are saying about the 'perfect man' - I'm not looking for a perfect man, I'm looking for one who will respect me enough to be honest, truthful, and stop putting his wants before my needs all the time.
Year after year after year I put up with a lot of 'crap' that most people get way hella bent out of shape over, ending up screaming throwing things and pretty much going postal on their mate.
I have two very simple rules:
Don't hit me
Don't cheat on me.
He cheated on me.
Look, I put up with a lot of minor and not so minor behavioral issues with this one. He is pathological when it comes to lying. He lies about everything, anything - stupid shit, important shit - he lies. I put up with it.
He is greedy and selfish - many are the times I have given up something because he took it. I kept my mouth shut.
He is a pig - a filthy, dirty pig - I have faithfully cleaned up after him for years. Most mornings he doesn't bother flushing the damn toilet.
Seriously - how many mornings does it take the average human being finding a 'surprise' in a toilet from a 40 something year old before a circuit is blown and they go ballistic?
Laziness is strong with in this one. He refuses to help me in the yard - even when I was on crutches for a month he refused to mow the damn lawns. Didn't clean house - in fact he has never cleaned house. He only cooks eggs and grill cheese sandwiches.
The week I was bed bound I got sick and tired of eggs and cheese. I finally got up way before the doctor cleared me for being on my feet just so I could have a decent meal - and of course do the week's worth of dishes that piled up in the sinks because by golly don't cha know doing dishes is beneath him.
There is a lot of other minor annoying habits of his that would have broken a normal relationship well before the 14 year mark.
So where do I draw a line at allowing him to walk all over me?
Well the relationship worked. I am far from a well woman - mentally speaking.
I actually liked picking up and 'taking care' of him. It gave me plenty of opportunity to demonstrate my love. So there was little resentment on my side of things, and our natures meshed well. I have a care taker personality - I actually work best in a situation where someone needs me to pamper them, pick up after them and attend their needs.
Now I see his sloth and I get this nearly uncontrollable urge to put my hand lovingly against the nape of his neck and then slam his face into a wall repeatedly and as hard as I can.
I think this is a sign that I no longer love him nor like him.