10-16-2013, 06:58 PM
missourigaymer Wrote:Oh LOL. I thought the taser and Rope were for me! When I mentioned drinks, I didn't mean alcohol. I don't partake. Sounds like a good night, whatcha gonna do with Miles? Wiat, I might not wanna know. lol,......
Where'd I put that taser?
[COLOR="Magenta"]Um, calm your puss gurl, I don't do other gurls xD
And as for Miles... well I have plans for that Satyr

Then I'll ride him like a pony

Good, cause alcohol is bad for the spirit, atleast mine anywho.
and we would be doing this in the day time -.-
Night Time is when I go out and fuck strangers for money, it's called;
"Helping Others Erotically" but we call it Hoe for short :hugs-and-kisses-smi
But yes... you go find that Taser
