Hmm. So being his bitch and taking his crap time and time again is an act of love?
I'm sorry, if he disrespects you to the point where he totally ignores your needs, that ain't love - well its
self love, but not real love.
He is making you his bitch. He clearly feels he doesn't owe you an explanation, doesn't feel that he needs to tell you about his affairs, and the way he goes about it clearly states he is exercising his will and mind to manipulate the situation to his favor.
That ain't love. This is a form of abuse - he is abusing you - he is using you, he has you wrapped around his finger and is causing you to do his bidding. This is NOT love.
So you are willing to lower your expectations and do things you are not really fond of. So if he wanted to rob a bank would you join in? How about commit one minor murder?
Where is the hard, immutable line drawn? At what point do you say 'no' and refuse to play his games?
Yes I know, compromise is an act of love and giving in to your partner on a lot of stuff is because of love - but compromise is not one person giving up everything while the other takes. It is sick - I know sick because you see I am very far from a well woman - which is to say I am a very, very sick man.
Test of time - My last relationship ended after 14 years - not because it was a loving relationship, but because I allowed way too much to slide. I turned a blind eye to the evidence, I compromised on very nearly every single issue that arose in those 14 years.
A year after that relationship ended I am unhappy, and most displeased about a lot of crap that went on. And I'm still suffering his crap because we got so tangled in those 14 years separating has been a minefield of horrors and more compromises which clearly isn't going to end well for me. Oh this is going swimmingly for him, he still gets the best of both worlds - he still has my roof over his head, still eats my food, and now gets to indiscriminately hook-up and have lots of fun and doesn't even bother to even try to hide it.
I told you I'm not a well man....
Time is not a test - I know of many LTR's that lasted for well over a decade that have ended over LESS than what your current BF is doing to you. Time isn't always an indicator of healthy relationships, in fact time can often me the indicator of just how emotionally/mentally unhealthy we really are.
For the love of God please don't be me - OK?
Honestly, don't go there. Its not a happy place and you will end up being in your late 40's looking back at a decade or more of your life wondering why you were so stupid, so needful so whatever that you put up with an untenable situation, or compromised so much you lost yourself and most importantly lost your self respect.