I don't think I've ever really had a type, it works for me on an individual basis.
However, there are types that I don't find attractive:
- Really stupid, vapid guys
- People who are rude to servers and waiters etc.
- Extremely strong-headed guys
- Extremely weak men, who I can't even talk to.
- Indecisive people
- hard to describe, big ape-like guys who have that 'arsehole' vibe about them. I can only show through picture. They wear caps and singlets and all that shit.
- Guys who don't know how to be serious
- Guys who get confused at humour
- Guys who obsess about particular things, eg. sports, a video game, a tv show or something like that (expect if it's something that I obsess over O.o)
- People who are really out of touch, or elitist, or one of those annoying people who get all political and activist but don't really care and give it up.
- Following on from that, people who have no principles.
- People who don't push boundaries.
- People who have NO boundaries.
- People who have no cultural sensitivity.
- Guys who eat like pigs.
- So muscly that it feels like rocks (I don't like how muscles feel sometimes... it's like touching a statue it's kind of creepy.)
- So weak (physically) that I'm afraid I might break him.
- So strong that I'm a little bit afraid of him.
- A very cold supermodel face/ physique.
- Too childish and homely feel about him.
-Ugh I'm never getting a boyfriend...
Honestly, everyone has flaws. No one is going to live up to your idea of the perfect man. I was hopelessly and utterly head over heals for this guy once.. I blinded myself to any not-so-appealing attribute I could find about him. Just pretended they were not there, so he would fit my idea of what I needed. I put him up on this pedestal of perfection. Finally one day the whole facade shattered and I had to accept these flaws. I thought it would be over between he and I because he didn't fit my model of what i thought i needed.. But no. I liked him even more.
No one is perfect but I found someone who is perfect for me. We both have quirks, definitely. What proves a couple strong is that they see these flaws and blemishes of their partner and accept them. They don't wish to change anything about them, however. They accept this beautiful person as a whole. These flaws become perfect imperfections and you grow to love them because that is what makes him so special.. We are all like puzzle pieces; we each have our curves and divots, but someone out there has exactly what it takes to compliment each of these.
Wow, I hadn't realized how I sound so much like a hopeless romantic haha
joshkhude Wrote:What proves a couple strong is that they see these flaws and blemishes of their partner and accept them. They don't wish to change anything about them, however. They accept this beautiful person as a whole. These flaws become perfect imperfections and you grow to love them because that is what makes him so special.. We are all like puzzle pieces; we each have our curves and divots, but someone out there has exactly what it takes to compliment each of these.
Wow, I hadn't realized how I sound so much like a hopeless romantic Beautiful.
A lot of you guys here are pretty awesome. Too bad you're all so far away.
A guy I know comes pretty close, but there's too many obstacles. His job prevents him from being out, which means a long term live-in relationship is not possible the way I want it to be. I don't want to be someone's secret.
That in mind, my perfect man would be out and proud. He'd be smart enough to carry a conversation, but appreciate some quiet time like I do. He'd wash his share of dishes. He'd like nothing better than to spoon all night. He'd flash a great smile frequently and make people feel happy when he was around. I like positivity and confidence.
Physical traits would be a slim to normal build, not too hairy except on the top of his head, gifted in the endowment section, and around 6' or so. Race isn't a huge issue, nor is hair color. I prefer men around my age.
I also prefer similar religious views. That is, the acceptance that we humans don't have the answers to certain questions so we should probably spend less time claiming to. I'm uncomfortable with organized religion and religious talk is actually a turn off for me. The subject has caused too many problems for me in the past and I'd rather avoid it altogether.
The absolute most desired traits though, would be honesty and faithfulness.
DON'T JUDGE ME but I like a guy who's psychologically hurt I mean let's put it this way he could be stronger cuz he had to fight all the feeling, all the voices to survive. I'm not saying it's a weird fetish of mine no it's not like that, if someone is going through something REAL BIG, I have the biggest respect for them. They're survivors, I'd have a lot to hear from them if they ever felt like sharing. I like being there for people and it'd be a great thing if I were to change someone's life and made them feel so much better by giving them all my love and interest.
Other than that I like guys who are artists, who are into any kind of art. They are all precious! And I like a guy who makes his life worthwhile, who doesn't just waste his time.
Physically, man.. Little things can turn me on and get my attention. The look on his face when he's confused.... and a million things like that. I don't give a damn if he looks like an abercrombie model. (I'm lying) it's not that important tho.
This is a question I still cannot answer, & this is after many years of searching!. Now that I've reached 40, I've finally realised that Mr Right, or Mr Perfect simply doesn't exit!. He is a figment of my imagination.
One quote I do like to use (regularly) when ever some one asks me that important question....."Whats my type of guy". My answer is: The sort of guy I'm interested in, isn't interested in me. & the type of guy who likes me, I don't like".
My biggest hang up is, I like younger guys (25-40), but they don't like me. The only guys I seem to attract are guys over 60,.....WHY????
My type:
Not afraid to display affection
Average to good looking
Older than me (18-40 will do)
yoyoyo148 Wrote:DON'T JUDGE ME but I like a guy who's psychologically hurt I mean let's put it this way he could be stronger cuz he had to fight all the feeling, all the voices to survive. I'm not saying it's a weird fetish of mine no it's not like that, if someone is going through something REAL BIG, I have the biggest respect for them. They're survivors, I'd have a lot to hear from them if they ever felt like sharing. I like being there for people and it'd be a great thing if I were to change someone's life and made them feel so much better by giving them all my love and interest.
Other than that I like guys who are artists, who are into any kind of art. They are all precious! And I like a guy who makes his life worthwhile, who doesn't just waste his time.
Physically, man.. Little things can turn me on and get my attention. The look on his face when he's confused.... and a million things like that. I don't give a damn if he looks like an abercrombie model. (I'm lying) it's not that important tho.
Kudos to you, yoyoyo! I thinks it takes a lot of courage to share this and I'm certain nobody is going to judge you.
I also deeply respect people who have either survived physical or emotional trauma (btw, Overcomer by Mandisa is an awesome song for this occasion)
putresVigil Wrote:I am with the rest as far as the perfect guy goes; I can't give a perfect guy, but I can give you a list of traits I tend to be attracted to in guys. If a guy meets enough of these, I tend to like them. There is no hard number or science to it, though. Also, some have added or subtracted through the years as well.
- Genuine Attraction to Me - I hate to sound like an egotistical jerk, but if I am being honest, men who find me handsome are handsome to me. I don't like wondering. One of my first gay crushes became one of my first gay crushes by telling me I had a handsome, masculine jawline. Instantly, his eyes became prettier, his legs looked nicer, and so on - not to say they didn't before he said that but it is one of those ways that will instantly get me interested.
- Morally Good As Defined By Me -[/COLOR] I tend to view moral matters in a much more objective light than many peers, but it is pretty lenient in many regards. I trust my gut feelings on people, watch how they treat others, etc etc.
- Litheness - I tend to like guys who are extremely lanky or thin. I am a big guy and am quite cuddly so I like a guy I can pull on my lap. Also, I tend to really like flat chests - not sure why. Not a big thing, though, as one guy I fell for awhile back made amateur body building how-to YouTube videos.
- Femininity - I like guys who flaunt some aspect of girlishness, whether in dress or in demeanor. Even in private, in their personality, I find it attractive. I am attracted to strength and being vulnerable or taking on such a vulnerable mantle as a guy who takes on girly traits does is strong. The stuff girly guys put up with while still trucking along has always been admirable to me.
- Flamboyance - I love guys who are flashy and loud. I am quiet and reserved. I listen and speak only when I have something to add. I am a phantom: someone you may remember in high school, only barely, passing through like a breeze. According to the rules, I guess I should be attracted to someone more like me but I love flashiness. I find guys who dress in bright colors and talk a lot to be oddly endearing.
- Intelligence - Who the heck doesn't have this on their list? Honestly.
- Ditziness - Not to be confused with being a moron, but I find a little clumsiness, intellectual or physical, to be somewhat endearing. I know this seems like it wouldn't go with Intelligence, above, but, remember, I said these were traits I find attractive, not those that will be possessed by the one perfect guy.
- Fiery/Aggressive Socially/Publically - [/COLOR]I adore guys with passion, who are willing to argue and fight when they feel strongly about something, even if I am the one they have turned their anger on.
- Similar Hobbies - Another duh bit.
- Vanity/Diva Personality - Another one I hate to admit, but if I am being honest, I have a (potentially unhealthy) draw to guys who preen themselves and who crave attention. The last guy I really had a huge crush on was like this. He did cosplay and quite prided himself on how pretty he was (but when we got to know each other I found him to be a genuinely good guy - lucky, since he could have just as easily been a narcissistic knob and really used or hurt me). All the above,but I reallylike chubby very hairy uncut men,and I adore the fem looking/acting types too 
BRAINS!!!! He MUST have working BRAINS!!!!!!
Intelligence, and knows how to use it.
Common sense.
High tolerance for people like me.
See's all side of an issue before commenting or judging.
Clean, drug free, smoke free.
Can be a homebody or extrovert.
Knows how to control his hormones.
Artistic and inquisitive.
Wouldnt hurt if he looked like Hugh Jackman either. LOL