Drewsdad Wrote:Have you ever travelled ? Where have you visited ?
I thought the purpose of this thread was to discuss what it is you like about where you live not slag off places you don't or won't like this is just another arch ken saw is the only good to live in the world thread!
Yes gurl I was thinking the same thing. However really, it's not. I mean, they even spell their name wrong if they pronounce it Arkansaw
Because growing up, I always thought it was Arkansas, and pronounced the same way.
But never the less, I shall indulge, for the sake of participating

Is de best, because we have;
> We have no kidnapping & major murders (there have been murders, but not to the scale of larger countries)
> Year-round Summer with minor drops in temperature to like 65F
> A diverse, but very unique culture
> One of The most under appreciated and researched English so far
> A very friendly and kind nature (however we can still be bitches lol)
> We are very courteous and respectful
> Beautiful Pink Sand beaches and the best waters in the world( to me anyway)
> The best houses in the world (again to me)
but we have a few Cons;
> Very community-orientated, nearly every Bermudian knows another one and their business
> Some violence, due to American & Jamaican influence I think
> Very Clique-y, you're either in or out and very little room for inbetween
> The oddest ways of saying things, which makes people look at us funny lol
But really, to me Bermy is my rock literally and my home. So of course it's the Best to me.
I'm sure there are better places, but they won't amount to my island home.
So there. Also, there's so much more about us that I love, that I can't even express into words, so I don't think I'm really doing us justice xD