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Importance of skin color?
I agree Wollyhats. I have a lesbian friend who only dates hispanic girls and her sisters say she is racist because of this. People are attracted to what they are attracted to. I hate when people push their concept of what is attractive onto others and say things like "You are this, your parents are this, so you should only like this." Those people usually have self esteem issues. I happen to like cultural differences and find them beautiful.

The same is true when my friends say things like "You don't seem gay!" As if being gay is this one dimensional state of being across the board. I reply "You don't seem unintelligent." and sachet away on my pink razor scooter.

I'd be painfully honest. I prefer Caucasians because of the 'racial stereotypes'. I just prefer how most Caucasians look compare to other races. Not trying to be racist...Just more attracted to the other race lol

It's always entertaining to see people trying to explain their physical preferences whilst terrified of coming off as racist :') relax guys.

Jake Wrote:Now you would wonder why ME a black man thank you for your post? Because so far you're the first in this thread that have just come forward and said it straight with no bells and no whistle that what you like is people of your own color or nationality. I hear quite often from so many that skin color doesn't disturbs them... but deep down, they'd prefer not to be seen with someone of another color than themselves. While they come saying that all colors are okay I'd like to test this by offering them two beautiful guys; one black, one white and you will often see the white dude going for the white dude nomatter what and no matter what they've been saying. Actions speaks louder than words.

However dude given that you live in an place that the majority of people surrounding you are white skin, I am not shocked not even surprised that you would prefer Caucasian over any nationalities - also I wonder why do you feel the need to justify that you're not racist? I have no interest in black men or Asians dude in my scales of preferences and I am black. Preferences has nothing to do with being racist. I do not hate the color per se, it's more the cultural that doesn't match. I am a black man raised among caucasians, therefore my culture is much more similar to yours than any other black men.

Now if you say that YOU don't find them attractive, this is a personal preference. But when you say that you don't find any other race attractive, that's a bit xenophobic (not racist) because although I am not attracted to most African decent or Asian dudes I have no problem recognizing that many of them are much more attractive than many of those white guys you like so much.

Now my next question is: how many black or Asian or other nationalities do you have in your circle of friends? You may not be racist, since racism is the product of pure idiotic ignorance but not so far from the tree of ignorance there's Xenophobia which is pretty much the little cousin of being racist.

Don't you worry I would never hit on you LOL, not all white are beautiful just like in other nationalities. Beside I am married to my dream dude and yes he is Caucasian and just like you he once said he was not interested in any other race than white - yet he couldn't find the right guy in its own nationality pool... but here's a thought for you... a Golden retriever is a race of dog, an Asian man is a nationality... white is a color not a race and nor a nationality. Mankind are defined by their cultural background, morphology and nationality, if you're talking about race, than you just made an oxymoron because you are from the human race but you're Caucasian.

Is color of skin important? No, Black guy or Asian may not be my first pick, but attitude is, culture match is.

Wow, such a long answer on my short post.

Yes, I prefer to be honest when it comes to relationship and because of my preference of my own color only, I've sometimes been labelled as a racist.

Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sure, there are beautiful people in all nationalities, but if I have to talk about myself only, I can say that I've never seen a man who would seem handsome to me and not Caucasian.

Right now I don't have any people from other nationalities among my friends, probably because, like you said, I live in a country where people are basically white, but I've studied and worked together with Hispanic and Asian people and it was great, no problem. Friendship is one thing, sexual attraction is another.

It is very important, I would never date anyone of my own race.

Sorry for the sarcastic reply but I think it's silly that intelligent people still discuss the importance of skin color - even if it's just about dating. I'm not sure if it is racist but it's definitely shallow.

Speaking of which, something a bit weird happened to me at the airport yesterday. There was an 'interracial' couple with a 5 y.o. kid sitting in front of me and I stared at them like an idiot because I wanted to see what the kid from an 'interracial' couple looked like (it seems I'm prejudiced too). The adults didn't notice me but the kid did and stared back at me. Somehow I could see it in his eyes that despite his young age he was already well aware of what prejudice was.

I used to think it wasn't racist, but all these threads that almost always (this one excepted for its original post) always seem to get made or bumped after there's some bit of racism in the news, and if someone (like say Paula Deen) gets support then it's even stronger. I'm no longer thinking that's a coincidence and that it's people who are sympathetic to racist views. In this case I'm betting this got bumped because of that racist tweet of someone going to South Africa and hoping she didn't catch AIDS and then said she was kidding, "I'm white." It's not a coincidence.

I recall one (who posted during the Paula Deen scandal, IIRC) said it was "just visual" and that was it and I said I didn't think he was racist. And then he followed up on how ALL black guys were a certain way, that is, it was NOT visual aesthetics it was racism, and it wasn't even a "way to bet" type of racism but he considered it a universal truth that all black men were despicable people, no exceptions. But he assures us he wasn't racist. Naturally I changed my mind about him.

'Course sometimes people are attracted to a certain race out of racism, too. Whites with a preference for black guys almost always seems to associate them with aggressive and worse (in some ways it's similar to the person who doesn't like black guys only they think it's a GOOD thing) while I saw some black guys on YT who said they would only date white women because they could walk all over such women (they didn't put it in those words but that sums it up).

I'm not saying everyone who has a very strong preference is racist, but I do now think a great many more of them are than I used to. They'll say they're not racist regardless, however, just "willing to tell the truth and not so politically correct" or some such.

Edward Wrote:Wow, such a long answer on my short post.

Yes, I prefer to be honest when it comes to relationship and because of my preference of my own color only, I've sometimes been labelled as a racist.

Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sure, there are beautiful people in all nationalities, but if I have to talk about myself only, I can say that I've never seen a man who would seem handsome to me and not Caucasian.

Right now I don't have any people from other nationalities among my friends, probably because, like you said, I live in a country where people are basically white, but I've studied and worked together with Hispanic and Asian people and it was great, no problem. Friendship is one thing, sexual attraction is another.
Hahahaha well get use to it... I do not go for short answers NEVER. I have learned to be specific yet very expletive... so no one can come out trying to take me back on words that I might have been missing lol. And dude I understand you 100%. I was adopted by a Caucasian family, I am just like you with a different color but god can I tell you that being an alien brings so much knowledge... I may suggest you to try and open your horizons. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... yes I agree but I also agree that this sentence is the easy way out to explains preferences. I am not attracted to black or Asians - well that's not true I used to love Asians... but the experiences I had with them was not conclusive or in any way beneficial so my interest in them faded out so was my interest in my own skin color... which was much more a cultural and attitudes gaps that didn't match.

Most black guys I had in my life were quite often racist and judgmental or on the down low... and that to me is a low brained, a no brained and a tick down the clock so instead of looking, I stopped and went for what I truly preferred and so be it I married the dude and I live happy. White dudes makes you happy and not concerned... than go with white dudes as simple as that. And stop thinking that you're racist because you're not sexually attracted to other nationalities... Sexual preferences isn't racism otherwise I'd be racist with my own nationality because they would be the last on my color palette.

Find the person that is right to you and those who judge you for it can burn in hell if there is such place - which I don't believe hahahaha@

MisterLove Wrote:Speaking of which, something a bit weird happened to me at the airport yesterday. There was an 'interracial' couple with a 5 y.o. kid sitting in front of me and I stared at them like an idiot because I wanted to see what the kid from an 'interracial' couple looked like (it seems I'm prejudiced too). The adults didn't notice me but the kid did and stared back at me. Somehow I could see it in his eyes that despite his young age he was already well aware of what prejudice was.

Well if you're that curious here's a list for you lol:

My 18yo daughter is half Venuzuelian and Me -Black Haitian/Dominican -I am also a mix
My 13yo son is Half black/Filipino
My husband's child almost 2yo - mine too of course is a mix with Thai and Australian - Artificial insemination of course with a girlfriend of mine
Our First adopted children she's Chinese from the mainland 2 1/2
Our second adopted children is a Haitian haitian boy now aged 2 1/2
And the very last adopted boy is from Russia - he's 1 year old

Daddy Jake is Black-Latino
Daddy Alex is Pacific/Australian

In our house we're just one race and it's called the human race... I hope it fulfilled your curiosity Smile

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