He's slender, "flappish" so that makes him a bottom lol?
I wouldn't be quick to assume that gurl, but hey, you know him I don't.
As for the lords prayer, who the fuck cares? Bend him over and enter his gates of heaven while reciting the lords prayer and receive every inch of your blessed ass life <3
He shouldn't feel the need to necessarily hide his belief or whatever, that's like telling a gay person with a tattoo of the male-male / female-female symbols on their body to cover it up. It's what they're proud of and so shouldn't have to hide it for the sake of someone wanting to ride their backs.
While not many know exactly what my armlet means(the colourful one, not the pink one on my right arm, visible in some pics and stuff), it's my devotion to my friendship to someone whom I'm no longer close friends with and also a measure of my spirituality as well. It's detrimentally important to me.
That's like asking me to take it off so I can give you a handjob? I've not taken this armlet off in 4 years, it goes to the shower with me as well hell yes, so I'd sooner quick less than 3 move on to the next guy who can respect or atleast not need for my expressions of my self to be covered up, just so they could plow my hole.
And unlike Bowyn, I'm not a christian or religious, but I do think every belief or faith has the right to be expressed within oneself.
As long as he isn't yelling and chanting and forcing his beliefs on you, then the fact that he chooses to wear a tattoo with the measure of his devotion to his faith, should not be an issue.
It's not like he's forcing you to go to church or convert to his belief. If you're uncomfortable with it for whatever reason, then the obvious thing to do, is to leave him alone.
I'm sorry you're going through a drought, but don't force yourself or him into something neither of you may be comfortable with.
And by the way, Money
does not talk, and he'd probably get offended that you'd try to buy him and if he doesn't then...well I'll leave that alone.
Good luck in your hole searching <3