It's not weird.
I thought he was kind of hot in Passion of the Christ.
It's not weird.
edit:oh wait that was jim cavisal
Apocalypto - good film... nothing racist about it. I dont know much about his private life, ive heard hes a homophobe and what not and heard one of his rants to his girlfriend, that was unreal, ive heard he has a chip on his shoulder about the english, thats why he likes making films like "braveheart" & "The Patriot" . Theres quite a lot mel doesnt like apparantly. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
DOES ANYONE know how homophobic mel gibson really is ?
He made some derogatory remarks in 91! for a spanish magazine, he was drinking a lot of vodka at the time! Since then he joined GLAAD in hosting 10 lesbian & gay film-makers for an on-set seminar on the film "conspiracy theory" his GAY BROTHER has forgiven him for any comments he made.
Hes made some pretty decent and iconic films in a long career. How well do we really know him. If every single moment of your life was followed, how popular would you be?
He was hot back in the day, he's not anymore so I don't care much for him...don't really know if he's a good actor or not, I have seen some of his movies...
as for his personal traits...he's hardly the only racist homophobic bastard out there and certainly not the worst (Fred Phelps comes to mind)
I don't know....I don't really give him much importance so..
Hmm well i think firstly it was set in a barbaric, much older time, when life was so much cheaper everywhere secondly what about the peacefull tribe in the jungles, he does not depict them in a bad way, thirdly - you see the europeans arriving on there ships, granted, its right at the very end, but its a clear and chilling statement that the ordeal our hero just went through has only just begun- hardly a favourable depiction of the "civilised" European? Lastly - its just a cool, visceral, well-crafted film.
I understood him to have a serious drinking problem. That usually indicates something is broken.